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Mark's Pov

"Come on, this is taking too long," I said watching Ted standing on some plie wood lending over the edge of a cliff.

"Please, I am so sorry." He begged.

"You tried sending Amy to her death, you know they would have killed her in front of me. After they did other things to her." I lend against the car.

"I am sorry, I needed the money."

"Needed or wanted?  Your house is paid for, all of your cars are paid off and in working order. No one lives with you and all of your family hates you. Remember how they turned their back on you when they found out you were working for me. Everyone treated you with such hatred, does that sound like someone else we know?"

"Sir, I am sorry. That was a lot of money and I would have been able to buy things for my family and could have gotten their love back."

"You should have came to me and asked for some money. You have done it before."

"Sir. Please."

"This game is getting old." I pulled my gun out and shot him in the other shoulder sending him over the cliff with the cinder block that is tied to his feet.

"You could have shot him in the head," Carl said.

"That would have killed him on the spot, I want him to suffer as his lungs will up with water. " I got into the car.

As Carl drove us home I cleaned up my hands and the gun, If they find any parts of his body it will be years from now.

"Hey princess," I said opening the front door, she was sitting on the steps.


"What are you doing on the steps?"

"There are a lot of people in the kitchen, I wanted to make something to eat. So I am just waiting for them to leave."

"What are you looking to make?"

"I don't know, I was going to see what we have."

I put my hand out for her to take.

"Where are we going?"

"The kitchen."

"But all of those people." She made herself small.

"If they mess with you I will take care of them."

She smiled a little then took my hand. We walked into the busy kitchen.

  "Why is it so busy in here?" I asked.

When they heard my voice, they scattered out of the room.

"Better?" I asked Amy.

"Much. Thank you."

She went to her stool and sat down as I looked through the cabinets.

"Can I help cook?" She asked.

"Maybe, what do you want to eat?"


"That really is a one person task."

"I still can help, but come here."

"What's wrong?" I looked at her.


I walked over to her. "What's wrong princess?"

"I want to tell you something."

"I'm all ears."

She pulled my shirt forcing me closer to her.

"I'm not leaving you," I said.

She pulled me in more until our lips touched then got rough with the kiss.

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