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"I am putting my foot down and this part of the conversation is over, She has not been trained in any combat, nor who these people are," Mark said.

"Very well, sir," Carl said.

"Then what is going to happen?" I asked.

"I will deal with them myself, I will go over to them before the 6th day and talk to them and put a stop to them. Right now, we need to focus on getting you ready for anything that comes our way."


"Everything, I need to make sure you can defend yourself for when I am not around."

"Okay, when does that start?"

"As much as I would love for it to be today, your teacher will not be here until tomorrow."

"Sir, she does need to learn how to be a comáre."

"What is that?" I asked.

"comáre is our way of saying mistress, lover."

"Why do I need to do that?" I started to back away a little.

"Carl, what is going on?" Mark looked annoyed and confused.

"Sir, you got a letter the other day about the dinner. Word has gotten out about her, she will need to be there. Miss. Amy is nothing like the other comáre."

"This is true, but if you don't want to go you don't need to." Mark looked at me.

"If you guys can teach me without making me cringe then I will go."

"We need to teach you how to talk the talk and walk the walk in our world. You are too pure for the rest of the comáre, they will eat you alive."

"Miss. Amy, we will also need to change your appearance a little."

"A little?" Mark looked at him then at me, "It will only be the days they have events, but we will need to dress you a little more open clothed."

"A little?" Carl looked at him.

"Okay, I get it! I need fewer clothes on!" I said. "Where do I get these clothes at?"

"Lucky for you, the shop will be here later today, anything you want plus what you will need to blend in we will get." Mark said, "How well can you walk in heels?"

"Depends on the height."

"We will need to have you walk around in them."

"Why do I need to do all of this if they know I am not one of them?"

"Because they know you are not one of them, they will destroy you. They are going to taunt, pick on even try to flirt with me to get under your skin."

"Speaking of skin sir, you might want to read this." Carl handed Mark a letter. "It came while Linda was doing her hair."

Mark tore open the envelope and read the letter.

"I don't get it, what does a letter have to do about skin?" I asked.

"This is a letter from my parents, they want me to call them and knowing them they will be coming over."


"Remember our conversation this morning about how to keep you from hiding."


"We are not doing the second one in front of my parents."

"So, it's either stay hidden which will not happen because of my parents, or you have to mark me."

"Let me call them and see when they are coming." He went to his desk and picked up the phone.

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