10 (part 1)

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Today is the day of the dinner, we spent all day and night going over how to walk, how to talk and what to expect from the other men. I laid in bed staring at the walls, I have two hours until I need to get up to be pampered. I can't stay here in bed anymore, I got up and walked the halls, it is just me and Mark here so I will not run into anyone. Thank god! I walked into the study to find Mark hunched over his computer desk.

"Can't sleep?" Mark asked not looking up.

"This whole hearing my every movement thing, not cool."

"I am used to living by myself, I hear every little creek." He turned around facing me.

"Can we fast forward to next week where you are safe and the war never happens?"

"I found a few loopholes for the war but no one wants to help me."

"I will help." I walked over to him.

"No, I am not letting you into this life."

"Then why am I going to the dinner?"

He didn't say anything, he just looked at me.

"Got you." I sat on his lap, he wrapped his arms around me holding me tight.

"This life is too dangerous for you, you are picking up very fast but I have not been able to train you the right way. Please, promise me that if I don't make it out of the meeting that you will stay far away from everybody you meet today. They look harmless but a lot of them wear masks."

"I am not making that promise because I know you will be fine, and the next day we can do nothing but watch movies and lay on the couch stuffing our faces with take out."

"I will do everything in my power to make sure we will get to do that." He kissed the side of my face turning my cheeks pink.

"Do you know if your mom likes me?"

"Actually, we talked a little bit ago. Everyone is having trouble sleeping. She does approve of you she is just worried you will be eaten alive by the other girls."

"I just need to be a little more bitchier, how bad do you think they will flirt with you?"

"When I am there myself, a lot. Now that I will be there with you, the whole time."

"How do I get them to leave you alone?"

"Show them the marks I left you."

"They need to be darker, I can't really see them."

"That can be fixed, would you like the makeup team to fix them or I could fix them now? No matter what you pick I will not be upset."

"I want you to fix them."

His eyes filled with lust as he stood up holding on to me.

"Well, then we better get to the bedroom." He took me upstairs then laid me on the bed. "Are you ready?"

I nodded my head yes.

He moved the hair away from my neck then hovered over me. Before he even touched me I let out a low moan.

"What's wrong princess?" He asked.

"I want you."

He smiled then started to kiss my neck, I closed my eyes letting a few moans escape.

After a few marks were on my neck, he started to take my shirt off but stopped.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked.

I nodded my head yes.

He fixed my shirt then sat next to me.

"Wait? Why did you stop?"

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