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Amy's pov

Am I crazy for doing this? Yes, very much so. But I have nowhere else to go. I paid the taxi driver to let me off at the mall. Once he drove away I headed the mile-long walk to the hub. When I got to the front door I called Mark.

"And what do I owe for this phone call?"

"The code to let me in."


"Look at the camera, you will see me. And don't worry. I got a taxi to the mall then walked the rest of the way. I stayed away from street lights."

The door flew open and I was pulled in.

"Are you crazy?"

"I just asked myself that when I got out of the taxi."

"What are you doing here?" I was pinned against the wall, my arms held above my head. His voice got deep.

"Mom and dad are pissed that I am not telling the police where you are, Bree is with her dad this week, so I can't go over there. So, it's either sleep on the streets or travel to the most feared wanted man's hiding place hoping he will let me crash for a few days."

"And if I say no?"

"Then I will go find a bench to sleep on."

He let out a loud sigh, "I am not having you sleep on a park bench. But you really are not scared of me? I beat some guy to an almost bloody death in front of you and you want to stay at my place?"

"I know you will not hurt me, why would I double cross you?"

"If you had a chance, would you?"

"I promise I was not followed."

"I know you weren't. You are not that stupid."

"So, are you going to back up a little?  And let me go? I am kinda pinned here."

"Nah, I kinda am enjoying this. Watching you squirm in my arms."

"Well shit, if you are going to stay this close can you at least make it worth my while." I gave him a shitty grin.

"So, you are a flirt, let's see how daring you are when I do this."

He got extremally close to my lips if one of us flinches our lips would be touching. I was able to feel my heart pound out of my chest.

"Or if I do this."

He moved down to my neck hovering over that spot, his warm breath over that spot sent me crazy. I let a little moan escapes my lips.

"I haven't even touched you and you already moaning. Too bad I can't touch you." He backed away letting my arms go.

"What do you mean?"

"You can't stay here forever  if I touch you and people find out the media will have a fun day with that."

"This is true."

"But, it is really fun to tease you." He walked down the hall.

"How pissed are you at me?" I followed.

"A little but to be honest, I can't stay mad at you for long. I see you brought clothes this time."

"Yeah, dad thinks you touched me while I was sleeping so you gave me new clothes, I didn't tell anyone about that guy."

"What did you tell the police?" We went back into his study.

"That you have assholes that work for you, once you saw me you yelled at them then took me to get cleaned up. You fed me and gave me a really nice bed to sleep in. Then you made me breakfast and took me home."

Fear himOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz