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Mark's Pov


I opened my eyes seeing Amy trying to get up.

"I told you that you were gonna be sore princess," I said trying to pull her closer to me.

"I have to pee."

I got out of bed and carried her to the bathroom, I put her down at the door and she hobbled to the toilet. I rushed to the office study and got a few ice packs.

"I knew I was going to be in pain, but not like this." She said when I laid her back on the bed. I got her dressed then put the ice packs around the areas that are sore.

"We can lay around today, well you can I have a few things I need to take care of." I laid next to her bring the blanket up with me.

"How long will that take?"

"A few hours."

"Is there anything other than just laying around all day that I can do?"

"Well today I think you should rest but we can find something for you and make a Amy room if you wish."

"I do."

"Okay." I kissed the top of her head.

"How is your arm?"

"It's okay, it feels like a heavier brace."

"You will be able to whack someone with it."

"Yeah, it will hurt them more then it will hurt me."


She tried to snuggle into me but the pain stopped her.

"You will be sore for a few days, I am going to go get you breakfast and you can eat up here."

"Only if you eat with me."


I hovered over her kissing her when I pulled away she whimpered.

"No fair."

"You are already in pain, it's very fair."

I put my robe on and headed downstairs.

"Sir, I am glad it's just you down here," Carl said when I walked into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?"

He handed me a letter.

I know Amy is there, you kidnapped my daughter then returned her, now she is so in love with you that she now has Stockholm syndrome. We need to have a little chat. Do your little looking around and find out where I work, if we don't chat soon then I will call the police to your location.

"That was on the door when I came in," Carl said.

"Find out where he works, I need to pay him a visit." I put the letter in my pocket then made up two plates of leftovers.

"I want to help," Amy said when I walked in.

There is no way she knows about the letter from her dad.

"Help with what?"

"get food."

Thank god.

"No, silly girl. You are in too much pain to do anything right now. But you do need to eat." I handed her one of the plates. "I forgot forks."

"It's okay, we can make it finger food." She smiled at me.

I sat next to her and picked at my food, I lost my appetite from the letter. What the hell does he want?

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