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Mark's grip tightens as he recovered us with the blanket. It sounded like he was fighting Flynn and Flynn was winning.

"He broke another one open, everything is covered in the poison," Mark said. "I need to get another blanket, this one is ruined."

"Sir, we got him out of the room," Flynn said. "But we all need to get out of here, he broke another one."

Mark opened the blanket enough for just him to peek out, "I am not letting her get exposed to more of this, how many did he steal?"

"Just those two, we checked him for more, the air fans are sucking the poison out of the room as we speak but this house will need to be demolished and never build anything here again."

"Get the bathroom set up, Amy will be taking a shower there. I will just use the tent."

"Please don't leave me," I said but I don't think he heard me.

"Yes, sir. I will let you know when they are ready." I heard Flynn leave the room.

I pulled at the blanket letting him know I wanted him.

"Everything is okay baby girl." He pulled the blanket over his head.

"Another nick-name."

"I told you, I have a billion I can use."

"What is the tent?"

"Because we are covered in the smoke we need to get cleaned, the tent is where we the cleaner gets sprayed on us."

"You said I am going into the shower?"

"In the tent, there are about 10 people who will be there to make sure the water stays on and to make sure some other bullshit stuff. But there will be 10 guys who will watch you while you're naked."

"I don't want that."

"That is why you are going to the shower, they are hooking the spray up to a spray bottle, you will spray yourself with the spray then wash yourself."

"Come into the shower with me."

"Are you sure?"

"I said it didn't I?"

I felt his body move from chuckling.

Paul came back in, "Sir, the shower is ready, the tent is going up next."

Mark popped his head back out of the blanket.

"Cancel the tent, she wants me to go with her."

"Yes, sir. As soon as you two are done we are leaving. Clean clothes are in the bathroom."

"Thank you."

Mark picked me up keeping the blanket over me, when we got to the bathroom he had me stand up but then threw the blanket in the hallway and placed the briefcase on the counter.

"Is that really bullet and fireproof?" I asked.

"Yep, that's why the bullet didn't hit you."

"I thought it was a weighted blanket."

"That's what it is supposed to feel like."

"Is that why you always give me that blanket when you leave for a meeting?"

"Yep, I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to scare you."

"That one has the poison on it." I wrapped my arms around him.

"That's is why we have to get another one."  He tried to kiss my head again, but the mask stopped us.

"How did my dad get those things?"

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