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"Whoa, You look perfect, but I like the real you better," Mark said as I walked down the steps already for his parents.

"Thank god I know how to walk in heels, the nails will get some use too."

He rushed up to me helping me walk the rest of the way down.

"Mom will love the way you look."

"That's a plus, you look good in a suit."

"He better," Carl said, "That suit cost more than a house!"

"I only wear it for special events." He said when we reached the bottom of the steps.

"That took longer getting down then I thought." I looked at him worried.

"You will be fine, I will walk next to you helping you down. If I need too I will pick you up like this." He wrapped his arm around my waist lifting me up. "I will get you to the landing then put you down." He put me back on the ground.

"Thank you, can you see my bruises from training?"

"No, but you can see my marks very well." His lips turned into a smirk.

I rolled my eyes laughing then the doorbell rang, he pulled me in for a kiss.

"Everything is going to be okay, just breathe."

I nodded my head then stood where I was instructed, Mark stood next to me as Carl open the door. His parents walked in just like I imagined, fierce.

"Mother, father. How are you?" Mark said hugging them.

"Mark! It feels like we haven't seen you in forever." His mom said. "Where is she?"

"This is Amy," Mark said turning to me.

I reached my hand out to shake theirs. "Hello."

His mom looked me up and down then shook my hand, his dad did the same.

"Don't you look lovely, I love the dress."

"Thank you, Mark picked it out." I smiled.

"It's good to see you are following some of the rules." She looked at him.

"I don't feel the need or want to have ten different comáre, I just need one." Mark shook his head. "Plus, dad only has you."

"There were 10 comáre but I was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, so he got rid of them."

"I am skipping a step, now why don't we head to the common area, they have a wonderful spread ready for us."

I followed behind Mark trying to match his steps,

"So, Amy. I heard that you were kidnapped by a couple soldiers." His mom said as Mark helped me into my seat. "But Mark let you go free and you haven't told anyone where he is?"

"Yes, ma'am. Mark didn't do anything wrong to me so why would I turn him in for something he didn't do."

"Mark, has a soft spot for females, so what did your family have to say when they you told them you're not turning him in?"

"They got very mad at me, they kicked me out, everyone hated me, so I had nowhere to go. I remembered a little of the way Mark took me home, so I called a taxi to the mall and took a chance. After a while of walking, I found the hub. I knocked on the door and Mark just happened to be walking pass and opened it. When he saw it was me and hurried and pulled me in making sure no one followed him."

"Did anyone?" His dad asked.

"No." Mark said, "She was smart, she got off at the mall and cut through the woods. Her phone was and has been shut off since so no one can track her."

Fear himTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon