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"You were to mark her not whatever that is!" Some guy freaked out at Mark.
I stood at the bottom of the steps in yoga pants and a tank-top.

"Who do you think you are talking to like that?" Mark crossed arms glaring at this person. They were at the main entry door.

"She looks like she was beaten with a baseball bat!"

"Um hi, I am right here. I can hear you." I said waving.

"Amy, this is Robert. He is going to train you in self-defense." Mark said still glaring at him.

"Hello." I reached my hand out to shake his but he didn't reach his out.

"Hi, Mark paid me to make sure you don't get your ass kicked."

"Thanks, I think."

"Let's go to the training room," Mark said leading the way.

"How many rooms are in this place?" I asked following Mark.

"Too many to count, I actually had them dig way underground to fit everything in."

We went down a few flights then went through a door.

"Here we are, Robert you are to train her the basics. Start off easy, she has never fought before."


"I will be in my office, I have to find a way to stop this war. If you need anything don't hesitate to come up." Mark looked at me.

"Thanks," I said as he walked out of the door.

I put the headband on to keep my Extensions in.

"So, your Mark's toy." Robert eyed me up.

"Don't get any ideas, you and I both know Mark will have you killed."

"For him to do that you will have to tell."

"Duh! Look, he hired you to train me the basics. So what, like ducking and punching?"

"Something like that." He was smirking.

*2 hours later*

I was held up against the wall just by his forearm against my chest, I could feel the bruises darkening on my face and arms. Mark is either going to be pissed for me not learning fast enough, or kill him.

"Come on, is that all you got?" Robert asked me laughing, he moved his hand around my neck lifted me off of the ground.

I grunted then kicked him in the dick sending us both to the ground, I landed on my butt.

"Not fair!" He said rolling on the floor holding himself.

"Neither is what you did." I looked up and saw Mark standing in front of a hideaway door.  "I told you to go easy on her, why does she look like she was in a boxing match!"

"I did go easy on her." He was still on the ground.

"Bull shit, you know I have cameras in here, I turn them on to see how training is going and I see her being treated like a piñata!"

"She will need to get used to that, look at her."

I felt his eyes on me again, I looked at Mark and his eyes were turning red.

"You are dismissed, you know where the door is so you can show yourself out."

"Can I get an ice pack?"

"No, you should be used to it."

Robert slowly got up and left the room, once the door was closed Mark rushed to me sliding on the ground.

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