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I had a hard time sleeping knowing Bree wants nothing to do with me,  I walked down to the study trying to find a book to read. Mark did say that I can make myself home.

"Can't sleep?" Mark asked when I walked into the study, he was lighting the fire.

"Yeah, I thought maybe a book would help me sleep."

"Depends on the book."

"Do you think I did the right thing?" I sat down in the chair closest to the fire.

"Keeping the location of a highly wanted mobster hidden, causing you to lose everyone and everything?" He sat across from me.

"Yeah, that thing."

"I honestly don't understand why you didn't turn me in."

"And I honestly don't understand why you are so nice to me. You almost cut some guy's hand off, you threw two buyers out the house, and you almost killed Matt."

"Something about you is different than everyone else. I feel like I need to protect you."

"How many other girls have you taken care of?"

"The guys have brought me other, you are number five. But to be honest you are the first I took care of. The others I had them put in a room, after a while, they were blindfolded and put in a car. they where told not to say where the hub is and Ted took them home. But when I saw you thrown on the floor like trash, my blood started to boil. It took everything in me to not beat the hell out of the guys for doing that to you. I knew that I needed to make sure you are okay."

"I am guessing the other guys there are other mobsters, what did they say about you stopping a game?"

"They knew I was pissed, they called the next day to see how I was. One of them told me that you would be back." He chuckled.

"They are not mad that you left?"

"No, they know how I am when it comes to abusing women. I don't stand for it. You had bruises on your arms and a growing black eye.  I know what they told you I was going to do to you, they tell it to every girl they bring in here. Knowing that they told you the same things and to see you crying, begging me not to do those things to you." He got up and walked behind the couch.

"If it makes you feel better, I am not scared anymore. I know you will not do those things to me."

He sat back down on the couch, "It did seem like the other day you wanted me too, when I had you pinned against the wall."

"You know you wanted to kiss me."

"And you wanted me to kiss your neck."

"But you will not do it."

He didn't say anything, he just stared at me.

"So, I guess the reason you are up is that you can't sleep as well?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have trouble sleeping at night, tonight is one of those nights."

"What do you normally do?"

"Watch the fire, maybe play some music."

"I am kinda hungry."

"Let's go get a late night snack."

We went into the kitchen,

"What are you in the mood for?" He opened the fridge.

"No clue."

"So I know we keep talking about it but I just don't get it. Why didn't you turn me in? Is it because I am good looking?" He chuckled.

"Something in me keeps stopping me from doing it. Why are you so worried about protecting me?"

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