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Amy's Pov

"Dad it has been a week and I was not even gone for 24 hours!" Dad wanted to have a meeting about my actions. The cops just let me go because dad called them to tell them that I knew where Mark is hiding at. The police would love to have him in jail. When he took me home I saw that we where deep into the east side of the town, he is hidden in an old mall. It's smart, no one is allowed on the property so no one will notice.

"Amy, you were kidnapped by a highly feared mobster, it's not like you went to the store!" He sat next to me.

"He didn't do anything bad to me, the other guys yes, they jumped me and kidnapped me. But once Mark saw me he took care of me."

"You came home in his clothes!"

"That's because I didn't have a change of clothes!"

"Amy, he had to do something to you, you will not even give up his hideout to the cops!"

"I was scared and knocked out most of the way too, I don't remember when I was up."

"You are smarter then this, what happened?"

"I am telling you the truth! He stopped playing cards with other mobsters to take care of me. He took me into his study and gave me an ice pack, then he gave me new clothes so I could take a shower because I had dirt all over me. He made me dinner, we talked a little then went to bed. What more is there to tell?"

"Why are you being difficult?"

"Why don't you believe me?"

"He is the most feared person in this city, and he didn't hurt you."

"He doesn't hurt females, look I am tired of this conversation, I am going out with Bree to the movies. I will be back later tonight." I got up from the table and left.

When I got outside Bree was standing there waiting.

"What took so long?"

"Dad still thinks I am lying about Mark."

We headed to the movies.

"Aren't you?"

"If Mark wanted to hurt me he would have."

"True, oh we are meeting my boyfriend there."


"Yeah, he is paying for our tickets."


It didn't take long for us to get to the movies, Matt was outside waiting for us.

"Hey!" Bree said hugging Matt. He wrapped his arms around her spinning her.

"Hey, Matt." I waved at him.

"Amy! I heard that you got to meet the famous Mark."

"Yeah, he is really nice."

"Not really, he is an ass."

"Have you met him?"

"I have."

"Matt is in the same line of work as Mark," Bree said.

"The only way for him to be an ass is for you to double cross him." I glared at Matt.

"You meet him for less than 24 hours and you think you know everything about the guy?" Matt glared back.

"Okay, let us all be nice here and head into the movie," Bree said pulling Matt away.

Matt paid for my ticket as well, but as soon as we got into our seats he had to go back to his car.

"What do you think of him?" Bree asked.

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