10 (part 2)

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Hey guys! So for some reason half of the chapter disappeared, I retyped it so not everything is not the same! Sorry!! I fixed it as well as I could!
Mark helped me into my chair then sat next to me. His parents walked in and took their seats a few tables over.

"Will all of the comares hate me?" I asked Mark.

"No, just the ones who have a stick up their asses."

The servers came over and placed drinks down for all of us.

"No thank you," Mark said to the server, they took his drink away from him.

"Has anyone questioned that?"


I nodded my head.

The tables filled up fast, Stephanie and James sat across the table from us.

"Mark! I was wondering when I was going to see you." James said sitting down, he didn't help Stephanie sit.

"I thought you guys would have noticed that I don't do the party part of these things." Mark chuckled.

"I noticed that, who is this beauty sitting next to you?" He started to eye me up and down.

"This is Amy. Amy, this is James." Mark said not taking his eyes off of James.

"Hello." I gave him a small wave.

"This is your first dinner correct?"


"You will love the food."

"James, how come you didn't pick out a fancy dress for me?" Stephanie asked him.

"I picked out a fancy dress for you."

"Mark picked out an even fancier one for Amy." She folded her arms.

"Well, look at her. No matter what you put on her she will make it look like gold. Now Mark, calm down. I know she is yours and I am not trying to hit on her. I am just telling the truth."

"Thank you," Mark said, his hand landed on my knee.

"So, I can turn everything into gold as well." Stephanie was still on this.

"We are not having this conversation here." He glared at her.

The waiters came back around passing out our salads.

We made small talk with the people around us, a few people came up to Mark talking about deals that need to be made or thanking him for keeping his word on past sales. James butted in a few times trying to get in on that deal but Mark cut him off.

"Hello, you must be Amy, my name is Ashley. I am with Taylor." The young lady who sat next to me said.

"Hello, yes, that is me. How are you?"

"I am great, just a little hungry but trust me you will love the food."

"So the comares eat the food?"

"Not all, if you are self-conscious then you eat like three bites and say your full."

"I am not self-conscious, but should I be?"

"Girl, look at you! I will love to have a body like yours!"

"Awe, thanks. But you are so pretty! Don't put yourself down."

Before we could say anything else to eat other our main dish came in.

"The stuffed chicken is really good," Mark said cutting into his.

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