CH. 2 This person is CRAZY

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CH. 2 This person is CRAZY.

(Aimee's POV)

"That lying, cheating BASTARD!!!! How dare he try to play me! Aimee Robinson! Oh, he's going to wish he never tried to play me. He's going to wish he never crosses paths with me." I said, looking at the Manila folder with the pictures of the lying, cheating bastard. I should have known he wanted to marry me because of my status and money.

I flip through the pictures the private investigator had given me. It was pictures of him with a woman who worked for another firm with whom I had cut ties.

There were pictures of them hugging and kissing.

He was all smiles in each picture; his eyes were filled with emotions.

Emotions that I was sure were love.

My heart clenched at the sight of it.

He never smiled at me like that...

I should have seen this coming. Why didn't I see this coming?

It could be because I wanted to see that someone could like me for me, to make matters worse.

I came to find out that there's a mole in my firm. I texted my assistant. Telling her sorry beforehand because I knew I would be a bitch for the rest of the day, and I knew I might say some things to her that could hurt her feelings.

My assistant has been with me since the beginning, so she knows how it gets with me.

Even when I yell at her, she talks to me in a calming voice and does anything for me that needs to be done.

This was indeed an example of having someone in your life that you don't deserve.

I texted her, letting her know today that she needed to find out who the mole was or she won't spend Christmas with her family.

Was I actually going to do that to her? No, but I wanted her to know I was serious about finding the mole.

I don't have any friends, and if I would consider anyone my friend. Well, that person would be my assistant.

This person needed to go down. This mole needed to be found out.

I looked at myself in the rearview mirror.

"They call me the ice princess," I said to my reflection.

I overheard a couple of lawyers working for my firm, my employees calling me that, and I went livid. Trying to figure out who started such a thing, but then I left it alone. If that's how they saw me, then so be it.

I didn't have to prove myself to anyone but myself.

I let out a sigh, getting out of my car.

I rarely park near anyone's car, but I parked next to a Toyota Camry today.

I looked inside the car briefly. Noticing items in the car and a suitcase.

"Someone is going out of town for the holidays. Must be nice." I said, not being able to relate.

I walked into the cafe.

I came here every day, truthfully, because I liked the atmosphere in this cafe. It was somewhere I felt at ease.

I walked toward's the woman behind the counter. I learned her name was Mandy the first time I came here. I enjoy putting a name to the faces of people I would see more than once. I tell her my usual Apple fritter, chai latte, and a plum.

My usual might seem odd to others, but it was a simple thing I liked. I looked around the diner.

Feeling the usual stare, I would get while being in here.

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