CH. 12 Are we there yet

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CH. 12 Are we there yet?

(Aimee POV)

After asking, 'Are we there yet.' So many times.

We were making another stop, driving out an exit. We were 9 hours in.

This 12-hour drive was something else, honestly. I noticed that it was becoming a little too easy on letting things slip out, telling things to Anthony like it wasn't anything significant, but they were.

They were important. I had to be careful; I didn't want to tell things that happened in my life, especially with us parting ways after the holidays. It was like he was a journal that I had just started writing in. I felt like the journal needed to have more information. That needed to stop.

I hate opening myself up to people. It gets tiring because if you no longer talk to that person anymore, end up not being with that person anymore, or end up not being friends with that person anymore.

This means there will be someone out there who you no longer speak to who knows things about you. I didn't particularly appreciate having someone I no longer talk to or am on good terms with knowing personal information about me.


People come and go; I know that for a fact because it happens to me all the time.

I won't let myself keep getting hurt all over again by getting close to someone.

Wait a second, what the heck am I thinking about?

I was ABDUCTED!!! I shouldn't see Anthony in this new light.

NO!!! NO, NO, NO!

Why am I acting like this guy and I will enter into a relationship or in one already?

This is all pretending. No relationship will come out of this.

Oh gosh, I've lost my mind. I thought a relationship would come out of this? Have I gone mad? As soon as we complete our agreement. We will both go our separate ways.

"Uh, are you okay? You're making a weird facial expression, and I'm starting to get concerned. You're also huffing and puffing again. Do you have to use the restroom or something?" Anthony said, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Hahaha, very funny. I was thinking about some stuff, that's all. So we're eating again, correct?" I asked him.

"Yeah, we're getting something to eat. I see you like to eat, huh?" He said smirking, I shrugged.

"I mean, yeah. I kind of need to, you know to like... live," I said, throwing my hands in the air. Anthony let out a laugh.

"You'll definitely get along with my twin nephews. Trust me." He said to me. I stared at him, wondering why he was so excited about me meeting his family.

"You're excited about me meeting your family, huh?" I asked him.

His eyes widened.

"Of course I am, I mean. Who wouldn't be excited to get to have you as a girlfriend and be able to bring you home to their family? You're successful, a beautiful woman who doesn't back down from anything, and you're you. The only downside to this is that you're my pretend girlfriend." He said. My eyes widened on the words that just left his mouth.

Does he really think I'm beautiful?

Not knowing what to say. I stayed silent.

He cleared his throat, realizing that I wasn't going to say anything to that. "So, what do you feel like eating?" He asked me.

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