-- 3 - Liquid Manipulation --

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I made this a while ago bare with me-
That's also why the layout is a bit different

Liquid manipulation.




The person is able to control everything that's a form of liquid at free will. It responds to the movement of their limbs, arms are the easiest. The thicker and or filthier the liquid, the harder it is to manipulate.

So yes, blood manipulation is possible it's just very, VERY hard and could kill the person since if you're not careful you can damage their veins and not let the blood flow anymore so if that doesn't kill them yet the chance of a heart attack is big afterwards.

They can make theirself turn liquid too. This also makes them able to "breathe" underwater, or at least not needing air and absorbing oxygen from the water. This obviously doesn't work with liquids that don't have oxygen.

Yes with a little bit of effort they can make themselves float in water bubbles. They can't make their own body float though. It has to be another liquid.

And no they can't go all terminator and have a punch turn her body into liquid. They have to be already in liquid form, but then punching them is just punching the ground since they're a puddle of water.

Manipulation costs energy. Not too much, except when dealt with thickness. Filthyness also plays a role in this, just not too severe.

They need to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated properly.

When in liquid form, getting filthy has an effect on their time limit.

Also when in liquid form, they gets dizzy and or disoriented during the transformation. If they're unlucky, the dizziness stays for a while.

Bottles are a big weakness for them when in liquid form. They are easily captured in one as placing a bottle on them automatically sucks them inside so they're especially vulnerable when they crossed their limit (see down below).

When used for too long:
[Without body manipulation]
Their arms (or any limb they were using) will get tired and turn liquid, making them unusable. (All senses will still work the same if head is liquid like sight, hearing etc., they'll just droop to the floor. Except touch, touch just turns off if something is liquid) After this they will experience numbness and sometimes even pain, time length and severeness depending on how much she crossed her limit.

[With body manipulation]
Their entire body goes numb in liquid form, not able to do anything anymore except maybe talk. May go unconscious. Makes them vulnerable, especially for bottles. When recovered might feel pain. Again, time length and severeness of everything is determined by how much they crossed their limit.

Limit is a lot sooner crossed with body manipulation.

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