-- 24 - Phenotype alteration --

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Phenotype alteration

Emitter, though transformation if used on yourself

Very weak, in battle at least. I recommend not even trying to apply for UA.

Maybe open a clinic (or however it's called) for people who want changes to themselves.

[ Your phenotype is a description of your actual physical characteristics. This includes straightforward visible characteristics like your height and eye color, but also your overall health, your disease history, and even your behavior and general disposition. Do you gain weight easily? Are you anxious or calm? Do you like cats? These are all ways in which you present yourself to the world, and as such are considered phenotypes. - source: pged.com - ]

Now you know what phenotype is, let's get to the quirk

Well, you can alter your own and someone else's phenotype, and with it some of their genotype (basically your DNA). So you can change their hair colour, hair length, hair texture, skin colour, if they have freckles, eye colour, eyelash length... etc.

And with some great concentration even their face shape, height, metabolism speed, even gender and small personality changes.

If something goes wrong whilst using the quirk, the person you're using it on will get some unwanted mutations. Can be something small, like accidentally changing someone's height, eyes, hair or skin wrongly but if it goes really wrong, they can have arms for legs, eyes in unwanted places, stuff like that.

...I just thought of the fact that an accidental mutation in genotype can result in cancer. But that's genotype not phenotype.

This isn't really for combat so I have no idea what to put here.

Same as above.

This quirk requires concentration, so overuse = severe headaches.
Also unwanted mutations aren't really fun, are they?

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