-- 26 - Mapping --

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I'm sorry for bombarding you with not very descriptive quirks atm, but I want to update even though I'm stressed and this is the result :')



Not for combat, but hella useful in a lot of situations

Finding your way back, exploring

With this quirk, you'll have a selective brilliant memory. It's just as good as any normal person, except it absolutely excels in remembering where you have been.

Your sense of direction is also absolutely fantastic.

You'll always create a mental map that's easily translatable on paper, so other people can sorta make use of your quirk too.

You can draw a beautiful detailed map with your eyes closed, even if your drawing skills are absolutely 0.

You will never, ever get lost. Unless you don't know where you are.
You can aid heroes on their quests by drawing a map of the area.

When blindfolded, you are powerless unless you can identify where you are. If you get kidnapped you can't use your quirk to get back.

You have to actually been to the place you wanna draw a map of. So if it's a villains base, that will be hard af.

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