-- 11 - Gardening --

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Ok I've seriously gotten worse at names



Weak-medium (hard to master)

Attack and defence if mastered, otherwise it's just for, well, gardening.

You can make all plants around you stay healthy and let them die by will, if you train this quirk you are able to let plants grow by will and maybe even to enormous sizes in a few seconds.

This quirk requires water to work so you'll need to drink more than an average human if you use it. Just be like Iida and always drink some water before a fight (well he has orange juice but you get the point)

If you use it for gardening, you're an excellent gardner because you can let all the weeds die and the flowers grow.

If you use it in combat, you need to be on a place where there are plants somewhere so fighting inside a building that's well cared for (so there are no weeds or anything) you're kinda useless. Or maybe you carry seeds with you 24/7 to fight in situations like that. Who knows.

When mastered, this quirk can be powerful.
You're good at farming and stuff

It needs water to work so you'll get dehydrated fast if you aren't careful
Really hard to master and you're useless until then
Useless in places with no plants

If you aren't hydrated enough you'll get extremely fatigued and thirsty when using it
You can pass out from dehydration if you still use your quirk after that

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