Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Do You Think I'll Be All Sunshine And Rainbows And Offer You Virtual Cookies?


"You have exactly fifteen minutes to solve the test," Mr. Harris says firmly. "You may start now."

I'm absolutely surprised. Actually, surprised is an understatement, I'm baffled. I had no idea that I had a Geography test today, mainly because I was day-and night-dreaming about Alex.

Usually, I would have been like 'Screw it' and fail the test, but I'm already failing the subject. I'm not gonna fail a stupid test. So, I decided to use my senses to answer the test. After all, it's true or false.

"Okay, so...Asia's lines of latitude extend from 34.0479° N to 100.6197° E," I read to myself, quietly.

What in the flip-flop world is this? Who the heck did that test?

"Um...true?" I whisper nervously, writing a T between the brackets.

I give up. I'll just fail that test like every single one else I did. I look around the class room, trying to gather information by looking around. Colette is busy, nailing the test and solving it like Ptolemy with red hair and fishnets.

Mr. Harris notices me looking around and eyes me with suspicion. "Miss Falls, is there something wrong?"

Lots of people turn their attention to me. "Um, no. I'm just...adapting to the atmosphere," I wave my hands around.

Somebody shoot me right now.

"Well, stop adapting and get back to the test because you have exactly ten minutes left and I'm not giving extra," he states.

"Awesome," I sigh.

Colette notices me, struggling and she gives me a look asking if I need help. Normally, I would have gave her my paper and tell her to give it back when she's done, but I shake my head and mouth to her that it's fine.

I answer the rest of the questions using my so-called senses and once I'm done, I flip the paper on its front and lay my head back on the wall. I look around the class in boredom until I see Luke who is sitting a few columns away.

He is sitting lazily with his head resting back on the wall, just like I'm sitting, only I'm crossing my arms and he has his hands in his pockets.

What a coincidence. It's like we're meant to be or something. Maybe this is a sign from the universe.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I get it out, making sure Mr. Harris isn't watching me or anything.

New text message from Lottie.

I look up from my phone and give Colette a confused look. 'Just read it,' she mouths.

Merida aka Lottie: You look like a stalker.

I roll my eyes at her, before typing back a reply.

Me: Shut up.

Merida aka Lottie: What are you staring at?

Me: Nothing.

Merida aka Lottie: Mhm.

Me: You have been mhm-ing a lot lately.

Merida aka Lottie: I'm thinking.

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