Trick or Treat

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Halloween was one of your most favorite holidays. Your parents never let you celebrate it when you were younger, so you had a tendency to feel deprived and go all out each year.

The apartment complex you lived in was a safe and friendly one. Many families occupied the different units.

So it should be no surprise that many of the kids went door to door to trick or treat. And your apartment 4B, was known for the best decorations and candy.

Halloween fell on a Friday this year and you were beyond excited to pass out candy to the kiddies. You begged Erik to spend the night with you, because your best friend was out of town and you hated to spend your favorite holiday alone.

You were super proud of your costume this year, because you made it yourself. And you knew the kids would love it.

You were currently on your tip toes struggling to change out your regular light-bulbs to red ones to give your living room a haunted glow. The fake cobwebs had already been taped up and the a bit of the candy was set out in the bowl to be presented to the guests that came by.

"Instead of just sitting there all grumpy and shit, maybe you could help me." Your voice edged on annoyance. Erik had been on the couch all evening watching the Halloween specials they had on TV, right now The Craft played on the screen.

He turned the volume up to drown out your nagging.

"Nigga you got super hearing. You can turn it up as loud as you want. I'm still gon talk. Now help me." He huffed his breath and got up from the couch and stalked towards you. His arms stretched above you to screw in the bulb. You squealed in excitement and turned around to face him pressing your lips into his.

"Thank you, baby." You smiled into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around your waist deepening the kiss. One hand went to your ass to squeeze firmly, the other slid under your crop top to tweak your nipples.

"Fuuuck." You moaned into his mouth. His tongue slid into your mouth as you moaned out in bliss. You felt his fangs gently bite into your bottom lip and suck.

The doorbell rang signaling your first trick or treaters of the night. You broke away from the kiss, wiping the blood off your lip. Erik groaned in annoyance.

You skipped to the door adjusted your costume. You swung open the door, the halloween music you had playing filled the air.

"Trick or Treat!!!" Three little boys you recognized were being escorted by two teenage boys. One of the teenagersyou recognized as one of the kids older brother. The three little boys were dressed up as pirates and the teenage boys were dressed up as vampires. The fangs with fake blood gave them away. Erik would hate this.

You smiled at the and bent down to grab the bowl of candy on the table next to the door.

"DAMN YOU FINE." One of the teenagers shouted loudly. His eyes blatantly checking you out. The other teenagers eye widened in surprise and fear. He began shaking his head telling his friend to cut it out. The friend remained oblivious. You stood up in surprise as the kids dug into the candy bowl.

"Thanks." You smiled in response.

"You single ma? Cause them thighs is calling my name." You rolled your eyes in response. Before you could respond you felt Erik's presence behind you immediately.

"Aye. What you say fam?" Erik's voice boomed loudly. The kids jumped in response then stared in awe of Erik, whose pupils were red. His gold fangs shined in the moonlight.

"By bad man. I ain't mean no disrespect." His eyes wide in fear. "Aye, your costume fye. Where did you get those fangs. All we could find in Walmart was these lame ass shit." The teenager took his fake fangs out to show them to Erik. Erik kissed his teeth and slammed the door in response.

"Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween." He growled into your ear.

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