Those Fingers

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You study his face in the snow. His face had taken a beating, cuts adorned his brown skin, blood dried in the crevices. His slender hands, were the most captivating part, were across his chest. The king was frozen still, the only movement coming from the small rise and fall of his chest. Occasionally his hands would twitch. You perch your feet on the step in front of you and rest your head in your hands peering down curiously at him. You'd never seen ikumkani this close before... scratch that, you'd never seen kumkani at all. No king in the last century had been to visit your tribe, the Jabari tribe.

You heard voices rising outside of the tent. Quickly you run to to hid behind the makeshift wardrobe making sure that your body was hidden but you eyes watched everything.

You watched your older brother lead in three women, two young and one older, and a pale skinned man. They spoke over the fallen kings body in hushed tones. Then proceeded to pour a purple liquid down the kings throat. Once they covered his body with snow, they chanted in unison. You recognized the prayer, from your healing classes. Barely containing your giggle, you saw your brother stare down the pale skinned man, intimidating the man to turn away from the scene.

A few minutes passed by while they waited for something to happen, when you heard the King's heart become stronger. You stared in amazement as you gawked when the King rose quickly out of the snow gasping for air.


You made your way back to the throne room, once you determined it was clear enough to come out of hiding. Coming up the side entrance of the throne room you could hear voices. Hiding for the second time that day you peered down the great throne room where you could see the conversation taking place. Watching on as the team hatched a plan, your breathing slowed as you watch the King stand tall and take charge.

"Are you done?" You rolled your eyes as your big brother patronized your guest. Shortly after you saw the guards walk right by you, escorting the Queen Mother, Princess Shuri, the other young lady, and the pale skin man out of the throne room.

The king asked requested for help, in the upcoming battle, between him and whomever did that to his face.

"Hahahaah. No." Jeez your brother was a dick.

You gazed intensely as the king made his way out of the throne room slowly. Your next breath caught in your throat, as you realized that he was staring right at you. Your mind told you to look away, turn your head and focus on your brother the prince of the Jabari tribe. But you couldn't do it, you couldn't take your eyes off of the handsome king. And neither could he, his face hitched into a gentle smile as he sent a wink your way. Heat rusted to your face, as you worried that he would out your hiding spot.

"Sister, must you hide everywhere. Times are not like when we were younger. It is not safe to not have your guards follow you." Of course he knew you were there. You stepped out into the throne room and approached your big brother.

"Strangers cannot threaten me in my own home." You stared defiantly at your brother.

"This I know." M'Baku spoke lowly. He stood up from his throne and approached you warily. "Come sister, lets get something to eat." You scoffed as your gigantic brother threw his heavy arm around your shoulder leading you to the heart of your home, the kitchen.

"Stop I M'Baku, you know I'm trying to eat less." It was his turn to scoff. You were Jabari, yes, and Hanuman blessed all of their warriors with size and strength. You were no where near as tall as your brother, or even the king, but you were thick like your brother. Strong and refined they murmured when you walked by. And though you were a sought after bachelorette, in the mountains, you did not fit the standard of beauty in ALL of Wakanda.

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