"I love this girl so much"

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Yesterday, the gifts I ordered for Madelaine came in, and I wrapped them and put them under the tree. Today is Christmas, and I'm so happy to see what she got me. I just woke up in Madelaine's embrace. She was still asleep, so I decided to make her breakfast. I got slowly, trying not to wake her, and went downstairs. Once I was in kitchen, I decided to make cinnamon rolls, and bacon. I grabbed the pre-made dough out of the refrigerator, and started to bake. I also grabbed the bacon out of the fridge, and started to cook those.
Once the food was done, I put it on a tray, and poured some orange juice for Mads. I started to take the food upstairs carefully. When I reached the room, I placed the tray on the nightstand, and started to wake Madelaine. "Babe get up", I said, softly shaking her. She rubbed her eyes, and sat up. "Here", I said, placing the tray on her lap. "Aww, you're so sweet. Thanks", she smiled. "You're welcome, and once your done, we're going downstairs, Okay", I said. She nodded and started eating. While she ate, I went back to the kitchen, and cleaned up. While I was cleaning, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I jumped a little, but then melted into her arms. "Thanks for breakfast", she said, kissing my cheek. "You're so welcome", I said turning around to kiss her. We kissed a couple times, then I turned back to finish cleaning.
After cleaning, me and Madelaine went to the tree, to open gifts. She wanted me to go first, so I picked up the biggest one first. "Why the big one", she asked laughing, "because I like to go from biggest to smallest", I said. I started to unwrap the gift, and once I saw what it was, I was so excited. It was a ring light, which is what I've been asking for. "Omg, thank you so much", I said, hugging her. She smiled, and handed me the next gift. I didn't have much gifts, because I didn't want much, so I only had like 8 gifts, which I am grateful for. The gift she gave me was a medium sized, soft gift. I think I already know what it is. I unwrapped it, and it was revealed to be a customized blanket, which had pics of me and Madelaine, and also the date that we became best friends. I screamed, and jumped to give her a hug. "I love you", I said kissing her. "I love you too", she replied smiling. I got off her, and opened a few more gifts. The last two gifts I opened were the most special to me. One was a necklace that said 'Her Queen', and a bracelet that had our best friend date on it. I was so happy, and grateful. I kissed her, and let her open her gifts.
It was my turn to open gifts, and I know how passionate and caring Vanessa is, so I was pretty excited. I opened the biggest one I saw first, and it was a new camera, a Polaroid camera, some new lighting equipment, and some other camera things. I've been meaning to get some new things for my YouTube channel, and I was so grateful for this. "Omg, you knew exactly what I wanted", I said hugging her. "Yeah, I mean you complain about it all the time", she giggled. I all of my gifts, except for the smallest. The smallest gift was shaped in a ring casing, sort of package. Vanessa took out her phone, and started to record. I unwrapped it slowly, finding out it was a ring case. I opened it, and it was beautiful. I sat there shocked, while Vanessa giggled. I turned the box towards the camera, and I felt my eyes getting watery. "Babe, are you good", Vanessa asked. I didn't say nothing, I just hugged her. I pulled away, and Vanessa took the rings out it's casing. "You know I love you", she said, sliding the ring on my finger, and the other on hers. I nodded as she continued. "Well, I wanted something to represent that I will love you forever and always, so I got you that necklace, but it wasn't enough. So, I decided that a promise ring would help, because I promise to love you always, no matter what. I promise that you'll never have to go through anything without me. I promise that you'll always have my heart. And lastly, I promise to always be honest with you", she finished hugging me. I started to feel tears come down my cheeks. I love this girl so much.
We've finished cleaning up all the wrapping paper, and we were just laying on the couch talking. "What can we do today", I asked, playing with my ring. " I don't know, everything is closed", she said. "Well, why don't we invite Camilla and Lili over", I suggested. "I'll call them", I said, grabbing my phone. I called them.
Camilla- Hello
Madelaine- Hey, are you bored
Camilla- Yep, you
Madelaine- Yeah, you wanna come over, and have fun with me and Vanessa
Camilla- Sure, Ill be there in 10
Madelaine- Don't forget to bring Lili
Camilla- I won't, bye
Madelaine- Bye
End of Call
Camilla and Lili just got here, so I went to open the door. "Hey", I said, giving the two hugs as they entered. "Hey, What are y'all doing", Lili asked. "We were waiting on y'all", I said laughing. We all walked to the kitchen, and Vanessa already had out the liquor and wine. "Anyone want a drink", Vanessa asked holding up cups. "Oh my god, yes", Camilla said smiling. " Liquor or wine", Vanessa asked us. "Wine", we all said. "Okay, So y'all wanna do shots later", Vanessa asked, pouring the wine initially the cups. "Yes", Lili said. We grabbed our cups, and went to the living room. "Who wants to watch a movie", I asked, turning on Netflix. "Ooo, let's watch The Grinch", Camilla said. "No, let's watch The Holiday Calendar", Lili said. "How about we do a little game to choose a movie", Vanessa suggested smirking at me. "I agree", I said. "Let's do a game of beer pong, but with different drinks, to decide which movie we watch", I said. We all nodded, and Vanessa went to the kitchen to set it up.
Once the game was set up, Vanessa called us into the kitchen. "Okay Cami, go to one side of the counter, Lili go to the other", Vanessa said, handing them each three balls. "Let's get this started", I said. Camilla went first, and she got one ball in a cup. Lili picked up the cup, and almost gagged. "Drink it", Vanessa smirked. Lili groaned and drank the concoction. Lili got done drinking it, and she almost threw up. "You just drank hot sauce, mustard, mayo, and ketchup", Vanessa said laughing. We all laughed, except Lili, and now it was her turn. Lili got two cups, so Camilla had to drink two things. Camilla drank them both with a slight reaction. "They were both vodka", Camilla said smiling. "Really V", Lili said. "Sorry", Vanessa said, holding up her hands. The game went on for another 10 minutes, until Camilla won. "I guess we're watching the grinch", Lili said, rolling her eyes. They all went to the living room, while I poured myself some liquor. I walked into the living room, and Camilla and Lili were so drunk, I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked in front of us. "Looks like they're staying the night", I said, taking a sip of my drink. "What's that", Vanessa asked,  pointing to my cup. "Oh, it's liquor, want some", I asked, about to grab her cup. "No, I'll just drink some of yours, because I still have wine", Vanessa said. I handed her my cup, and she took a little sip. I turned on the grinch, and only 10 minutes into the movie, Camilla and Lili were making out. "Get a room", I said, throwing a pillow at them. "We will, wanna join", Camilla asked smirking. "In your dreams", Vanessa said. "Come on Babe, why not", I asked her. I think the liquor was getting to my brain. "Babe, your drunk, and my body only goes to you", Vanessa said, as Lili and Camilla went upstairs. "Aww, your so cute", I slurred.
So, Lili and Camilla were in the guest room, doing who knows what, all we hear is moans. While me and Madelaine sat in our bedroom watching a movie. "Oh my gosh, they doing it, doing it", Madelaine said laughing. "And it's loud as fuck", I said, standing up. "Where are you going", Madelaine asked me. "I'm going to grab something to drink", I said, walking out the door. I went downstairs to the kitchen, and reached for the Hennessy. Once I got it, I ran back upstairs to my room. I walked in there, and Madelaine was laying down. I sat on the bed, and Madelaine instantly put her head in my lap. I played with her hair and poured some Hennessy in my cup. "You want some", I asked, putting the bottle in front of her. "I'm gonna have a major hangover", she said grabbing the bottle. She drank the rest that was left, and there wasn't much. We watched our movie and fell asleep to the disgusting sounds of Cami and Lili.

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