"hey, im violet"

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I'm in Charlie's room, changing her, while Vanessa slept. Charlie has a bottle in her mouth, so she wouldn't wake Vanessa up. I already gave Charlie a bath, so I started to change her. I put her in a grey Nike shirt, and some black leggings. "Ready to get your hair done", I asked, in my baby voice. I picked her up, and walked to our room. I walked us into the bathroom, sat her on the counter, and started on her hair. I set combed her hair, wet our brush, and brushed her hair into a bun. I made sure her curls were defined and popped out in the bun, then did her edges. "You look so cute Charlie", I said, kissing her forehead. "You wanna say bye to mommy", I asked, walking to our bed. I tapped Vanessa's shoulder, until her eyes opened. "Hi baby", she said, reaching for Charlie. I gave Charlie to her, and she kissed her cheek, "Have fun at daycare Mamas", she said. She hugged Charlie, then gave her back to me. I grabbed Charlie's empty bottle and went downstairs to pack her bag. Once, her bag was packed, I put on our shoes, and left the house.
I just arrived back home, and walked upstairs to our room. Vanessa was still asleep, so I went into the bathroom to clean it. "Babe, Come here", I heard Vanessa say. I walked into our room, and to the bed. "Yes baby", I asked, moving hair out of her face. "I missed you", she said, wrapping her arms around my waist, and pulling me down. She pulled my shirt up, taking it off, before pulling me in for a kiss. I grabbed the sides of her neck with my hands, pulling her closer. Vanessa was still naked, so I could feel all over her body. I pulled Vanessa on top of me, allowing her to take off my shorts. Vanessa kissed around my neck, feeling around my body. Right as Vanessa was about to pull off my underwear, Camilla called me. I ignored it and continued kissing Vanessa. Vanessa was kissing my neck, but my phone went off again. I picked it up, and answered the phone. "Hello", I answered annoyed. "Am I interrupting something", Camilla asked, as Vanessa kissed my thighs. "Maybe, but what did you need", I asked, while Vanessa pulled off my underwear. "So, Lili and I got into a argument about some stupid shit, but I need you and Vanessa to talk to her", she said, as Vanessa started to eat me out. "You talk to her, W-we will m-mediate", I stuttered, Vanessa started going faster. "Are you two fucking",Camilla asked. I bit my lip, "Maybe", I admitted, feeling myself almost reach my climax. "Call me when it's over, bye", she said, hanging up the phone. I put my phone on the nightstand, and moaned as Vanessa stuck a finger inside me. She started to go faster, until I cummed all over her fingers. "Damn Babe, I get you wet as hell", she said, starting to clean me and her fingers. She came back up to me, and kissed my lips slowly. I pulled away, "I'm sleepy", I said, frowning. "It's okay, we can go to sleep", Vanessa said, putting her head in the crook of my neck. I felt her kiss my neck a few times, before I fully fell asleep.
I woke up to the touch of Vanessa's lips on my shoulder. "5 more minutes", I mumbled, turning away from her. "Babe, it's 8 o'clock", Vanessa said, pulling the covers off me. Vanessa already got dressed, but I was naked. I yanked the blanket, "It's cold", I said. "Here, I got you these clothes to wear", she said. She handed me a dark green long sleeve crop top, and camouflage joggers. I got changed in the bed while Vanessa got ready in the bathroom. "What are we doing today", I asked, as I walked into the bathroom. "We're going shopping", Vanessa said, curling the last piece of her hair. I nodded and got started on my morning routine. I washed my face, then started on my makeup. I wanted to do a natural look, so I put on a pale pink lipstick, did my eyebrows, did eyeliner, and put on a little blush. Vanessa only did her eyebrows, eyelashes, and eyeliner. I brushed my hair into a ponytail, pulling out pieces in the front, and curling it. "Do you wanna invite Camilla and Lili", Vanessa asked. I nodded, and she started texting Lili. "They're on their way", Vanessa said, walking out the bathroom. I finished with brushing my teeth and went downstairs. Vanessa was in the living room on her phone, so I walked over to her. I laid down beside her, and turned on the tv.
Minutes later, Vanessa stood up and laid on me. "What're you doing", I asked, realizing her camera was facing me. "Recording the sexiest woman in the world", she said. "Awww, are you blushing", Vanessa joked. I covered my face with my hand, but Vanessa moved it. "Everybody wants to see your beautiful face", Vanessa said. "Babe stop", I said, trying to hide my face. "Fine, But I need you to say, 'Vanessa is the best girlfriend ever", she said. "I would be lying though", I said. Vanessa frowned, "Vanessa is the worlds most amazing, cutest, loving, caring, beautiful girlfriend ever", I said, putting a smile on Vanessa's face. "You're so cute", she said, pecking my lips then stopping the video. "Are you gonna post that", I asked, because she put her phone down. "I'm gonna wait for a special day", she said. I nodded, then my phone rang. "Are we interrupting something", Camilla asked. "No why", I asked, looking at Vanessa. "Open your door", she said. "I swear if anyone is with you", I said, getting up and walking to the door. I hung up the phone when I opened the front door. There was Camilla, Lili, and a girl. "Cami, didn't I just tell you about this", I asked, looking at the girl. "Sorry Mads, But this is Violet. She's a really nice girl, and she won't hit on Vanessa", Lili said. I nodded and let them in.
I was in the living room on my phone, while Madelaine answered the door. A couple seconds later, I see Cami, Lili, and a random girl. She was light skin, had dark green eyes, and medium length wavy hair. "Hey, I'm Violet", she said, holding out her hand. "I'm Vanessa", I said, shaking her hand. She sat down on a couch with Camilla and Lili, then Madelaine walked in. "Y'all wanna go shopping now or later", she asked. "Let's go later", Cami said. We all nodded in agreement, then I stood up so Madelaine could lay down, then I laid on top of her. "So Violet, how do you know Cami and Lili", Mads asked. "I met Lili at a party a few years back, then I came to LA to see her, then found out about Camilla", Violet answered. "So, I have one question, are you bisexual, straight, or lesbian", Camilla asked. "I'm bisexual, I dated two girls, and one boy", Violet said. "Okay, So what are we gonna do for the time being", I asked. "I mean, we could do something", Madelaine whispered in my ear, squeezing my ass. "Not now", I said, "Anybody", I questioned. "We could play truth or dare, or would you rather", Lili said. "Great thinking. Let's do it", I said. We all went to the kitchen, and I grabbed some vodka. "Whoever doesn't answer the question or do the dare, has to take a shot", I said. Everybody was ready so we got started.
"Truth or dare Violet", Cami asked. "Uh.. Dare", Violet said. "I dare you to kiss Vanessa on the lips", Cami said, with an evil smirk on her face. Madelaine rolled her, "Seriously Camilla", she said. "It's okay, she won't steal me", I said. Violet walked over to me, grabbed my cheek, and kissed me. She slipped her tongue into my mouth, and battled mine. She pulled away after 10 seconds, taking my bottom lip with her, and left me, Camilla, Lili, and Madelaine shook. "I meant a quick peck, but okay", Cami said, still in shock. I wiped my lips slowly, and backed up towards Madelaine, who looked a little jealous. "Truth or dare Vanessa", Lili asked. "Dare", I said, hugging onto Mads, so she won't be jealous. Camilla whispered something in Lili's ear, making her giggle, and she looked at me. "I dare you to make out with Violet for 1 minute", she said, looking at Madelaine, who's whole expression changed. "Y'all are just tryna make my girlfriend cheat on me", she said. "It's not cheating if it's a dare", I said. "Go ahead, but after this, no more Violet and Vanessa kisses", Mads said. "Babe, I'd advise you not to look, because you know how I make out with people", I said, walking towards Violet. Camilla and Lili started to record as I got closer to Violet. I grabbed her neck gently, pulled her closer to me, and kissed her. I slipped my tongue into her mouth, fighting hers for dominance. I won and my tongue explored her mouth, while her hands moved down my back. I pulled away before her hands reached my ass, and looked at Madelaine, who was covering her eyes. I looked at Lili and Camilla, who were still recording, and stuck up the middle finger. It was all silence in the room, so I decided to break it. "Okay, next question", I said. "Um.. Madelaine truth or dare", Violet asked. "Truth", Mads said. "Is it true that you're jealous right now", she asked. "I'm not jealous, I just want to hurl Lili and Camilla", Mads said. "Well, Truth or dare Lili", I asked. "Dare", she said. "I dare you to Make out with Madelaine for 15 seconds", I said. "Don't you care about that", she asked. "Actually, I just wanna see Camilla jealous, so go ahead", I said. I didn't pay attention to their kiss because I knew I would be pissed, so I just looked at Camilla's sad face. "Break it up", I said, still watching Cami. Lili walked back to Camilla, and I went back to Madelaine. Violet just looked at us in confusion. "Okay, I'm done with this game, because one of us is gonna end up fighting", Cami said.

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