"you bribed me"

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Camilla and Lili already left, and Madelaine and I had nothing else to do today, so we decided to get Charlie. I grabbed the car keys, and we drove to Starbucks first because I was thirsty. I ordered a dragon fruit refresher, and Mads got a Mango and dragon fruit refresher. We got our drinks and drove to the daycare. Once we got their, we walked up to he building and rang the doorbell. The same lady from earlier, Dana, answered the door. "So I'm guessing you're here to get Charlie", she asked. We nodded, and she allowed us to come in. "So I need you to sign her out, and I'll tell y'all how she's been", Dana said. Madelaine decided to sign the papers, and Dana brought Charlie and her bag out. "Thanks", I said, as she gave me Charlie. "Thank you, Charlie has been a good girl, but she did have one or two tantrums. But in the end, we would love to have her back", Dana said. "Well that's good, and she'll be back in a couple days", I said. "Hey mamas", Madelaine said, as she grabbed Charlie out my arms. "Ready to leave", she asked, kissing Charlie's head. "Well, Thank you again, and goodbye", I said, hugging Dana, then walking outside.
We arrived at home, and I looked back to see Charlie fast asleep. I laughed, got out the car, and went to Charlie's door. I unbuckled her car seat, and pick her up. Her head laid on my shoulder as we walked inside. I walked upstairs to her room, and laid her in her crib. I left her room and went downstairs to Mads. "Hey sexy", I said, walking into the living room. "Hey babe", she said. I sat down next to her and turned on the television. I felt Madelaine wrap her arm around my waist, and pull me closer to her. When I was close enough to her, she smacked my ass hard. "Oww", I said, moving her hand off my butt. "Sorry babe, but you got a fat ass", she smirked. I punched her shoulder softly, "Shut up", I said. "Make me", she said. I bit my lip and kissed her lips. Our lips moved in sync for a while, then Mads laid on her back. I straddled her lap, took off my shirt, and kissed her. I slipped my tongue into her mouth, our jewelry clashing against each other's. Our tongues fought for dominance, and of course I won. She moved her hands up and down my ass, while my hands slid under her shirt. I rested my hands on her bare stomach, and got more into the kiss. We made out for another 5 minutes, until I decided to pull apart. "Will that shut you up", I asked. "Maybe", she smirked. "But I might need something more though", she said, sliding her hand into my pants. "Move babe", I said, removing her hand. "You're not fun", she said, as I walked to the kitchen. "Oh, so the girl who got two crazy piercings, a tattoo, and gets pranked a lot, is not fun", I asked her, grabbing a bottle of water. "You're fun sometimes, unless you're tired", she said. "That's a lie because I still make out with you when I'm tired", I stated. "Yes, But I cant get nothing", she said. I walked back into the living room, sat right in front of her, and pecked her lips. "Don't you usually get some almost every night", I asked, holding her chin in my hand. She nodded, "Exactly, so stop complaining", I said, kissing her once more. Mads laid back, I laid on top of her, and we watched tv.
Madelaine and I were still watching television, when I heard Charlie cry. I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle, and ran upstairs. "Hey Mamas", I said, picking her up out of the crib. I put the bottle in her mouth, went downstairs. I walked into the living room, only to see Madelaine vlogging. "Why are you starting a vlog at 7 o'clock at night", I asked, walking into the kitchen. "Because I wanted too, now how's Charlie", she asked. "She okay, just a little cranky", I said, grabbing some fruit puffs out the pantry. "Wanna play with some toys Charlie", I asked in a baby voice. I placed a blanket on the floor, and put Charlie on top of it. "Guys, this tongue piercing feels so weird", Madelaine said. "You think that's bad, this smiley piercing can go up and down every time you open your mouth", I said. "At least we got matching piercings", I said, sticking my tongue out. Madelaine started to talk to her vlog about how she got the piercing, and me usually correcting her. "So, Vanessa forced me into doing these", Madelaine said. "I did not! I just gave you a few kisses and you were all for it", I corrected. "Okay, So you bribed me", she said. "I mean, it wasn't hard", I laughed. "You need to be quiet little missy", she said. "What're you gonna do, pay me, slap me, kiss me? Come on, I like it rough", I stated. "Later, when our daughter is asleep", she said, pointing the camera to Charlie. "Oh yeah, did I tell y'all that Vanessa is boring", she giggled. "Okay, your getting it later, and I'm not talking bout this", I said, putting my hand over my crotch area. Madelaine laughed, and went back to vlogging.
Charlie fell back asleep awhile ago, so Vanessa and I were just laying in bed, watching tv. Vanessa was on top of me, and I had my hands on her butt, rubbing it softly. "Babe, do we gotta go to set tomorrow", she asked, looking up at me. "Yes, we have like 6 scenes to shoot", I said, kissing her forehead. "Do you really think I'm boring", Vanessa smirked. "I mean.. sometimes", I said. "Name three things I've done that's boring", she said, sitting up and straddling me. She sat with her arms crossed, waiting on my answer. It's been about five minutes now, "Just admit it, you can't think of nothing", Vanessa said with a smirk. "Fine.. I can't think of nothing", I mumbled. "Hold on, I need to get this on camera", she said, grabbing her phone. Her flash came on then she told me to say it again. "Can you put a filter on me to make me look pretty", I asked, covering my face. "You don't need a filter, now say it loud and proud", Vanessa said, removing my hands off my face. "Omg, Vanessa isn't boring at all", I said, rolling my eyes. "Aww, thanks baby", Vanessa said, gripping my chin, and pulling me in for a kiss. "And for the record, I didn't force her to say this", Vanessa clarified before ending the video. She posted the video on Snapchat, with the caption, 'She be lying to y'all🤣'. I hit her on the shoulder, and told her to delete the video. "Why? I'm gonna need something to show you every time you call me boring", she said. "No, I look ugly. You can just take another", I said. "Babe, you're beautiful. I don't see how you think your ugly", she said, moving my hair behind my ear. I grabbed her chin, pulled her down, and pecked her lips. "Thank you", I said. I pecked her lips again, and deepens the kiss. After a couple seconds, I pulled away from our kiss. "Why'd you have to pull away", Vanessa whined. "I wanna watch the movie", I said, looking back at the tv.
During the movie, Vanessa had her head in my neck, because she didn't want to watch. Every so often, I would feel Vanessa's lips attach to my neck. I could feel her smile on my neck before she did anything. "Babe, What are you doing", I asked. "Nothing", she said. I just turned my head back to the tv. Minutes later, I felt her lips on my neck again, kissing slowly, then sucking on it. "If your tryna give me hickeys, you could just ask me to tilt my head", I said laughing. She put her hand on the side of my face, and tilted my head. I just laughed, and let her leave hickeys on my neck.
At this point, the movie was over, and I probably had 5 huge hickeys on my neck. I moved my neck away from Vanessa's lips, getting up to go to a mirror. "Vanessa, what the hell", I asked, in shock of how big they were. Vanessa came into the bathroom, in shock of the hickeys size too. "Sorry, I was thinking about the size", she apologized. "How am I supposed to cover this up", I asked, looking through my makeup bag. "Use concealer", she suggested. I nodded and grabbed the concealer out my bag, about too put it on when Vanessa stopped me. "Don't put none on til tomorrow", she said. "Why", I asked. "I would like to see my work", she said. "Are you serious", I asked. "Yes, now get back in bed", she said, shooing me out the bathroom. She turned off the light of the bathroom, walked into our room, and got in bed. She got on top of me, turned off the tv, and fell asleep. "Goodnight baby", I said, kissing her forehead, then falling asleep.

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