"she okay though"

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I woke up on top of Madelaine, hearing Charlie's cries. I got up, and walked to Charlie's room. I picked her up out of the crib, put her pacifier in her mouth, and walked downstairs. I rocked her back and forth while making her bottle, and calmed her down. I took the pacifier out her mouth, and replaced it with the bottle. I kissed her forehead, and started to go upstairs. I walked into Madelaine and I's room, sat on the bed with Charlie, and grabbed my phone. I went on Instagram, and scrolled through my feed. I liked all the pics that were posted before I went to sleep, and went to the explore page. I scrolled past a few hair, satisfying, and funny videos laughing at everything. Charlie just sat on my lap, watching my every move. She lifted up her arm, and pulled Madelaine's hair. I untangled her hand from Mads hair, and looked at Madelaine as she itches her hair. "Charlie, you're tryna wake mommy up", I said, kissing her cheek. Madelaine opened her eyes for a second, smiled, then turned around. I just looked at her confused and laughed.
Madelaine and I were in the kitchen making breakfast, and Charlie sat in her high chair eating blueberries. I was making the pancakes, and Madelaine was making eggs. I poured some pancake batter into the pan, and went to my phone. I opened my phone and saw I got a message from Lili. She was asking if Madelaine, Charlie, and I wanted to come to their house later. "Mads, you wanna go to Cami and Lili's later", I asked. "Uh, Yeah", she said. I texted Lili back and flipped the pancake. Madelaine finished the eggs, put some on a plate for Charlie, and walked over to me. She didn't want to put the eggs on Charlie's tray yet, because they were hot. I picked up a pancake and put it on Charlie's plate. Madelaine wrapped her arms around my waist, "I'm still tired", she said, laying her head on my chest. "Go to sleep then, I can handle her", I said, referring to Charlie. Madelaine pecked my lips, and walked to the couch. She laid down, put a blanket over herself, and went to sleep. I turned to Charlie, and put her food on her tray, kissing her cheek and rubbing her head. I turned around and started to pick up the dishes, and clean them. After I was done cleaning, Charlie was done with her breakfast, so I picked her up, took her into our bathroom, and started to fill the tub. Once the tub was a little filled, I undressed Charlie and put her in the tub. I washed her up, and washed her hair, being careful not to get any products in her eyes. She splashed me a couple times, but I just continued to wash her. After cleaning her, I grabbed her towel which had a shark hood, and wrapped her in it. I already had an outfit on our bed for her, which was a pink onesie that said, 'Mommy's Favorite', and white sweat pants. Since I washed her hair, I decided to moisturize it then braided it into two French braids. When I finished, I put her on the floor, since she could crawl, and cleaned up the bathroom. I finished cleaning once again, and got changed. I put on a long sweatshirt and black booty shorts. I picked Charlie up from off the carpet, and walked downstairs. I sat on a couch, turned on the tv, and watched 'Martin'.
I was watching tv, while Charlie sat on the floor playing with her toys. Madelaine started to twist and turn, until she finally woke up. She looked at Charlie then back at me. "Good afternoon sleepyhead", I said, walking to her. She sat up and I sat on her lap. "When did you say we're going to Cami and Lili's", she asked, rubbing her eyes. "Whenever you want", I said. "Well, I'll go get dressed, then we can go", she said, I stood up, letting her go upstairs. While I waited, I put on shoes, then put on Charlie's, and grabbed the keys. Madelaine came downstairs in a blue crop top and black adidas joggers.She put on her shoes, grabbed her phone, and we left.
We arrived at Lili and Camilla's. I got out, and grabbed Charlie's bag, while Madelaine got Charlie. We walked to the front door, knocked, and waited for them to answer. A couple seconds later, Camilla opened the door, greeting us with hugs. "Hey guys, come in", she said, stepping to the side. We walked in, took off our shoes, and walked to the living room. Lili was in the living room playing with Aubrey. I put Charlie down, and she crawled over to Aubrey. "My sister made me babysit Aubrey again, not that I don't like it, but why", Lili said. We all laughed, and sat on the couches. Madelaine laid down, and I laid between her, while Lili laid on top of Camilla on the other couch. "Do you guys want something to drink", Lili asked. "I'll have a water", I said. "I'll take some juice", Madelaine said. "I'll have water", Camilla said. "Okay so one juice, and two waters", Lili said, grabbing the drinks out the fridge. Lili handed all of us our drinks before laying back on Cami. "So, What can we do today", Camilla asked. "Uh, we can make a video", Madelaine said. "With what equipment", I asked. "I brought my camera and laptop, so that's all I need", she replied. "Okay, But What type of video", Lili asked. "How about a what would you do if video", Madelaine suggested. "What's that", Camilla asked. "I ask y'all a What if this happened question, and y'all answer on what y'all would do. It's really funny", Mads said, getting up to grab her camera. I picked up Charlie, and Lili picked up Aubrey, so we could put them on the couch. Madelaine came back with her camera, set it up, and we got started.
"Hey guys, Welcome or welcome back to my channel! Today I'm her with 3 special guest, and two little ones", I said."So today, we're gonna be doing the what would you do if tag. So let's get started", I finished. "So I asked y'all to ask us some situations and I'm gonna see what y'all said", I said. "Okay, What would you do if you caught your friend tryna kiss your girl", I read aloud. "We all know what Madelaine would do, it already happened", Camilla laughed. "So, one of Camilla's friends tried to kiss me, but Madelaine caught her, and choked her", Vanessa said. "She's okay though", Lili added. "Okay but what would y'all do", I asked. "I would pull my girlfriend away from them, and fight the so called friend", Camilla said. "Same, except I would be like Mads here, and do it right in front of my girlfriend", Vanessa said. "Agree", Lili said. We all laughed and moved onto the next question. "What would you do if you caught your  girlfriend trying to contact a demon", Camilla asked. "I'd take Charlie and go", Vanessa said. "I'd try to stop you, but if you don't stop, I'm out", Lili said. Camilla and I laughed, "I'd stay for a little, then once I see smoke or some creepy shit, I'm gone", I said. Camilla nodded in agreement, and we continued with the tag.
We were done with the video, but I had one more idea in mind. Since Charlie and Aubrey are asleep in their guest room, why not prank Vanessa and Lili. I walked to Camilla, and pulled her away from Vanessa and Lili. "What're we doing", Camilla sighed. "So I'm guessing you already know I got a prank", I said. "Yeah, but what prank", Cami asked. "A I like you prank", I said. "Have fun because Vanessa's gonna slap the shit or of you", she said. "No she won't, Lili will stop her.. I mean, I hope she will", I frowned. "Whatever, Let's do this", Camilla said. I set a camera up in their kitchen, hiding it behind a sign. We walked back out to the living room, and she went to Lili, and I went Vanessa. Let's get this prank started.

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