"get the hell out"

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Vanessa and I were in my trailer, in the middle of a make out session, when there was a knock at the door. We ignored it at first and continued kissing, until they knocked again. I groaned, and pulled out of our kiss. Vanessa climbed off my lap, so I could get up, and I walked to the door. "Who is it", I asked, opening the door to the worst person I could imagine. "Hey, is Vanessa here", Violet asked. I rolled my eyes, and looked behind the door to Vanessa, who was mouthing "No". I looked back at Violet, "She's in a mood", I said, flipping my hair to the side. "What type of mood", Violet asked. "A none of your business mood, now why did you want to talk to her", I asked. "I just wanted to apologize for saying all that stuff I did yesterday", she said. "Well.. apology not accepted. Bye", I said, shutting the door in her face. I rolled my eyes, and looked at Vanessa, who was laughing at what I just did. "Why'd you have to be so mean", Vanessa asked, still laughing a bit. "I don't want her near you at all, not even if she's apologizing. Got that", I asked, sitting beside her on the couch. "You're cute jealous", she said, pecking my lips. "And you're cute everyday", I said, kissing her cheek, and getting up. "Where are you going", Vanessa asked. "I'm going to craft, want anything", I asked. (Craft is like the snack table.) "Uhh, can you get me a bag of Takis ", Vanessa asked. "Of course, I'll be right back", I said, walking out the trailer. I started my walk to craft.
Madelaine was still at craft, so I was just on my phone, on Instagram. While I was watching a funny video, there was a knock at the door. I know it couldn't be Madelaine cause it's her trailer, so I was very confused. I opened the door, and in stormed Violet. "Violet, What're yo-", I was cut off by her kissing me. I didn't kiss back, but I pulled away once I heard the trailer door open. I turned around to see Madelaine looking at me and Violet with a cold stare. "You've got to be joking right now", she said, putting the food down. "I'm sor-", Violet tries to say, But Madelaine cut her off. "I'm sorry my ass. GET THE HELL OUT", Madelaine yelled, making Violet jump. Violet walked out the door, while Madelaine just stared at me with an angry face. Once the trailer door shut, Madelaine walked closer to me. "Why the hell did I just walk in to my girlfriend and some hoe kissing", Madelaine said, getting closer. "I didn't kiss her, she kissed me", I said. Madelaine slapped the shit out of me, making me look back. I rubbed my cheek with tears in my eyes. "But, you didn't pull away til I walked in", Madelaine said. "That kiss was one second long, she just walked in and kissed me", I said, feeling the tears come out my eyes. "Why did you even let her in here", she asked. "I just opened the door, and she stormed in. I couldn't stop her", I said. "Vanessa, I hope you're telling the truth, because I'm about to go kill that girl", Madelaine said, walking towards the door. "Madelaine stop", I said, while she opened the door. "Madelaine, I'm not playing with you! You could lose your job", I said, grabbing her arm. She yanked her arm away, "I'm not gonna get fired, Roberto's out at lunch", she said, walking out the door. "Madelaine, get back here", I yelled, making everybody outside look at me. Madelaine continued walking, so I followed her to Camilla's trailer. She banged on Camilla's door, and once Camilla opened it, Mads stormed into her trailer. "Where's Violet", Madelaine asked, really pissed off. "What's going on", Camilla asked, shutting the door. "Your friend actually kissed me, and now Mads trynna kill her", I explained, and looked at Madelaine, who was cracking her knuckles. "Madelaine, calm down", Camilla said. "I will not! That bitch thinks she can just walk into my trailer and kiss my girlfriend", Madelaine said. "Babe, sit on the couch and calm down", I said, walking towards her. "Back up Vanessa, I'm already pissed at you", she said. "Camilla, where is Violet", Madelaine asked. "She's at Lili's trailer", Camilla snitched. I hit Cami's shoulder, "Why the hell would you tell her", I asked, following Mads out the trailer. Madelaine was saying a lot of crazy things on our walk to Lili's trailer, but once we arrived, I knew it was on.
I walked into Lili's trailer, thank god it was just her and Violet. "Lili, I think you should back away from Violet", Vanessa said, as I walked towards Violet. Lili got up scared, and I slapped the shit out of Violet. "Why the hell was you kissing my girlfriend", I asked, holding her up by her shirt. Violet laughed, "I kissed her because I wanted to", Violet said. I instantly punched her in the face, making some blood come out Violets mouth. "Don't you ever come near me or my girlfriend again, unless you want this to happen", I spat, as Lili and Vanessa pulled me off Violet. "Let go of me", I said, walking out the door. "Madelaine, where are you going", I heard Vanessa ask. "Just leave me alone", I yelled, walking to my trailer. I stormed into my trailer, slamming the door shut, and sat on the couch. How could Vanessa even let Violet kiss her? Why did Violet do that? Why does all of Camilla's friends like Vanessa? All questions I wondered. My thoughts got interrupted by my phone being blown up with texts from Vanessa.

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>11:56amIt was almost time to shoot a scene, so I was in hair and makeup, along with Cami

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It was almost time to shoot a scene, so I was in hair and makeup, along with Cami. I was getting my hair done, when Camilla started questioning me. "What happened between you and Violet", she asked. "I beat the bitch up", I said, laughing at how it came out. "Damn, was she bleeding", Cami asked. "Yeah, after I punched her jaw", I said. My hairstylist looked at me surprised, "What? That's what she gets for kissing my girlfriend", I said. My hairstylist laughed, and continued with my hair. "So what happened between you and Vanessa, cause I know she'd be in her if y'all was good", Camilla said. "I told her to leave me alone for a while,but I'm not that mad anymore. I want to apologize to her, but I don't think I'll see her until it's time to shoot a scene", I said. Just then, a sad Vanessa walked into the room. She didn't even look at me, she just went and sat by Cami. "So, you're not gonna talk to me", I asked, looking at her. "I thought you didn't want to talk to me", Vanessa said, as her makeup artist walked in. "Come here", I said. Vanessa stood up slowly and walked to me. When she was close enough, I pulled her into my lap. "Listen, I'm sorry for getting mad at you, especially cause it wasn't your fault, but I just blamed everyone. I love you, okay? And I don't want to lose you", I said, hugging her. Vanessa just smiled at me, and kissed my lips passionately. "I love you too, and apology accepted", Vanessa said, hugging me. All I heard around is were "Aww", and "Y'all so cute". I just laughed at all the words, and Vanessa walked back to her seat. I looked at Camilla, who was recording everything, "Why do you always record us", I asked. "If y'all ever break up, I'm gonna show y'all these videos, and y'all are gonna wanna her back together", Camilla said. "Also, I'm a huge Madnessa fan", she laughed. We all laughed at her nerdy ness, and got our hair and makeup done.
We just got done filming some scenes, but we had more to do later. Vanessa, Camilla, and I were in my trailer talking about random things when Camilla brought up Violet. "Where's Violet and Lili by the way", she asked. "I don't know, I think Violet left, and Lili's shooting a scene", Vanessa said. "Thank goodness that bi-", I started, until my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller and it read, 'Charlie's Daycare'. I answered the phone, and quickly heard a crying baby in the back. "Hello Ms.Petsch. This is Dana, and I e called to tell you that Charlie has been a bad girl today", she said. I sighed, "What'd she do now", I asked, putting the phone on speaker. "First, Charlie three a bottle at one of the teachers. Then once we put her in time out, she hit a teacher. After time out, Charlie three another toy at a baby's head, and I don't know what we can do with Charlie now", Dana explained. Vanessa sighed, and put her head in her hands. "We'll come get her, and we apologize for her behavior. She's never done any of this before", I said. "Okay, see you then", Dana said, hanging up the phone. "When did Charlie get that violent", Cami asked. "I don't know, but can you go get her. We got a scene to shoot", I said. "Of course, and I'll call if she does anything violent while I'm there", she said, walking out the door. "Thanks Cam", Vanessa said.

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