"now can i get a kiss"

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Charlie and Aubrey were upstairs sleeping, while the rest of us were in the living room watching "Peter Rabbit". Vanessa was laying on top of me, and Camilla and Lili were cuddling on the other couch. I was playing with Vanessa hair, when she sat up, grabbed her phone, and started typing. I looked at her in confusion, and she just smiled at me. Just then, Vanessa and Lili got up, and left the room, leaving me and Camilla confused. "What do you think they're doing", I asked. "Probably hooking up, and I don't blame them", Camilla joked. "If they don't come back in 5 minutes, they might be booking up", I said. We laughed knowing they both wouldn't dare. Soon enough, they both came back in the room holding boxes. Lili had a green one and Vanessa had a red one. "What's this", I asked, as Vanessa gave me the box. "Open it", Lili said. We did as she said, and it was beautiful. The box had a cute quote on the top, and was filled with candy, a necklace, and perfume. I put the box to the side, and hugged Vanessa. "You're so sweet", I said. I pulled out of the hug and pecked her lips. I grabbed the necklace out the box, admiring it, and asked Vanessa to put it on me. She goes behind me and puts the necklace around my neck. While she clips it, Camilla and Lili are on the other couch kissing. I laughed and kissed Vanessa, thanking her for the gifts. I swear I love this girl.
I woke up by the sound of Charlie's cries with Vanessa in my arms. I gently pushed Vanessa off me, and went straight to Charlie. I walked into the room where Charlie and Aubrey was, and I picked up Charlie. I rocked her back and forth, walking to the kitchen to grab her bottle. I grabbed the bottle out of the fridge and put it in her mouth. She stopped crying, so I wiped her leftover tears, and kissed her forehead. "You're gonna wake up the whole house Charlie", I said, stroking her hair. I took Charlie back upstairs, and took her into the guest room, which is where Vanessa and I were sleeping. I laid her in the middle of Vanessa and I, and tried to fall back asleep. I was almost asleep, but I felt Charlie's bottle hit my head. I looked up to see her sleeping, and I guess her bottle fell out of her hands. "You're a mess Morgan", I said, putting the bottle on the nightstand.  "Isn't she though", Vanessa said. I looked over to her, only to see her wiping the excess milk off Charlie's mouth. "How long have you been up", I asked. "Since you walked downstairs with Charlie", she responded. I leaned over Charlie and kissed Vanessa's lips. "Get some sleep, because when she wakes up again, you're helping", I said. I went back over to my side and fell back asleep.
I woke up again, but this time it was peaceful. No crying, no hitting, just sunlight. I rolled over to see if Vanessa and Charlie were still in the bed, they weren't. I groaned, got up, and went to brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I went downstairs to see what everyone was doing. "Hey guys", I said, as I entered the kitchen. "Hey", everybody said in sync. Charlie and Aubrey were in high chairs eating fruit, while Vanessa, Cami, and Lili day on stools drinking coffee. I sat on one of the stools, and joined the talk. "Do you guys think you'll ever get married", Camilla asked. "Of course, I mean we have Charlie, and a passionate relationship, so why not", Vanessa said. "I'm agree, I mean we already have a kid", I said. Lili looked at Aubrey, who was throwing fruit everywhere. "Aubrey, stop it", Lili sort of shouted. Then Charlie followed in Aubrey's footsteps, throwing fruit too. Vanessa quickly ran over to Charlie, picking up all the food, and smacking her hand softly, warning her to stop. I put the fruit away, there wasn't much left anyway.  I pulled Charlie out her high chair, took her to living room, and sat her on the couch with some toys. Lili did the same with Aubrey, and we started to clean the kitchen. Camilla turned on the speaker and started to play some music. Jealousy by Bri Steves came on, and Lili, Vanessa, and I were dancing and singing to it. "Boy don't listen to, what them people say", Vanessa sang. "They don't know about, bout you and me", Lili sung. "Put it out your mind, cause it's jealousy", I sang. "They don't know about us babe", we all sang. We started dancing, then I noticed Camilla recording in the corner. I stopped dancing and just laughed. Soon enough, the kitchen was clean, and we were done dancing. Vanessa and I needed to take showers and Charlie needed a bath, so we decided to leave. We said our goodbyes to Camilla and Lili then left.
Vanessa, Charlie, and I were in the living room. Vanessa and I decided to put Charlie in daycare since we have to always be on set, so we started to look up some good daycares near us. Charlie sat in my lap, playing with her chew toy, while Vanessa had the laptop. We found a couple daycares that had good ratings, so we put them as our top three choices. We got more information on them, and finally settled on 'Forman Daycare Center'. It had a five star rating, good teachers, and more. Vanessa went upstairs to use the bathroom, so I thought it would be a good time to prank her. I decided to prank her with, 'dropping' Charlie off the staircase. So, I set a camera at the top of the stairs, and one on the dining table, facing the entrance and staircase. I wrapped a blanket around a piece of styrofoam, so it would look like I was holding Charlie, and I did a quick intro. I had a plan to play with Charlie, then when Vanessa goes downstairs, I'll swap Charlie with the fake one, and drop it off the relling. I ran to the top of the stairs and started to play with Charlie, waiting on Vanessa.
I just walked out of our room to see Mads playing with Charlie at the top of the staircase. "Hey babe, be careful with her", I said, walking past them to go downstairs. "I will", she said. I went into the kitchen to grab a water bottle, and clean up. While I was cleaning the counter, I looked up to see Madelaine throwing Charlie up and down. "Babe, I swear if you drop her", I said seriously. "Trust me, I won't", she said. I looked at her suspiciously, but went back to cleaning. A few minutes later, I heard a thud and looked by the staircase. I saw Charlie on the floor, and I screamed. "MADELAINE WHAT THE HELL, OMG CHARLIE", I shouted, running over to pick Charlie up. I had tears coming down my face, still yelling Madelaine. I picked up Charlie, only to realize it wasn't her. "MADELEINE GROBBELAAR PETSH", I yelled furiously. I turned around to see her holding a camera and laughing. "This isn't funny, I thought you killed Charlie", I said, tears still in my eyes. "I'm sorry but I had to prank you back", she said, laughing historically. "Don't talk to me", I said, throwing the fake baby at the wall, and walking to the kitchen. "Babe, it's just a prank", she said, following behind me. "I don't care, leave me alone", I said, wiping tears from my face. "Where's Charlie", I asked. "She's in her room sleeping", Madelaine said. I nodded, then walked upstairs angrily, and went to our room.
I sat on the bed, on my phone, until Madelaine came in. "Look babe, I'm sorry, but I had to get you back", she said, walking to me. I just looked at her, then back to my phone. "Are you seriously going to ignore me", she asked, sitting cross-legged in front of me. Once again, I looked up at her, then back to my phone. "Okay, I know your mad, but can I get a kiss", she asked. "Nope. You ain't getting nothing until tomorrow", I said. "Why, it was just a prank", she said. "I don't care, not until tomorrow", I said, getting up to go to the bathroom.She groaned and followed me to the bathroom. I put my hair in a ponytail, and started to take off my shirt because I wanted to sleep in a bra. I saw in the corner of my eye, Madelaine staring at me with goo-goo eyes. "Looking at me is included", I said. "That's not fair", she whined. "It is actually", I said, grabbing the face wash. I started to wash my face, when I felt Madelaine's hands on my waist. "Get off me", I said, wiping the rest of the face wash off my face. She didn't say anything, and continued to move her hands up and down my body. I looked up at her, and rolled my eyes. "Fine, you're only allowed to touch me, but don't try to kiss me", I said. I walked out the bathroom, Mads arms around my waist, and walked to the bed. Before I could reach the bed, Madelaine turned me around, picked me up, and pinned my to the wall. "Now can I get a kiss", she asked, holding my chin in her hand. I was so turned by this, but I needed to stick with my plan. I shook my head, and she started to lean in. "That meant no", I clarified, waiting on her to stop leaning in. She bit her lip, and I felt her other hand move to my butt, squeezing it. I couldn't take it anymore, so I looked into her eyes, and smashed my lips onto hers. Only she could turn me on like that. Our lips moved in sync, my hands around her neck as she walked us to the bed. She laid me on the bed gently, and she kissed my lips roughly. She slid her tongue into my mouth, making me moan into her mouth. Her tongue explored my mouth, and I felt so anxious. She pulled away slowly and kissed my neck. She sucked and bit my neck, leaving territory marks all around. Since I had no shirt on, she had easy access to everything. She kissed down my collarbone to my breast. She removed my bra and started to suck on my nipples. Her tongue swirling around each one, making me moan softly. She slid her hand into my pants, massaging my clit. I moaned loudly, but still trying not to wake Charlie. "You like that huh", she asked seductively. I nodded and she kissed to my waistline, her hand still massaging my clit. She started to pull down my jeans, kissing each of my thighs, until she pulled my underwear off. She started to lick and sucked my clit, making me moan loudly. She put her hand over my mouth, "Cant wake up the baby now, can we", she said. As she sucked my clit, making me more and more wet, she pushed a finger inside my core. I moaned, putting my hand over my mouth. "Oh my gosh, you're so wet", she said, pumping her finger faster. I started to grind my hips against her finger. She leaned back into my clit, licking it softly. She pushed another finger inside of me, pumping them harder. I moaned loudly, not caring if I woke Charlie or not. I felt myself begin to reach my climax, so I told her to go harder. She pumped her fingers faster inside me, making me moan. I finally reached my climax, feeling good. Madelaine slowed down, letting me ride it out. She took her fingers out, and licked them and my pussy clean. She came back up to my face, and kissed me roughly. I pulled away out of breath, "I Love You", I said panting. "I love you too", she said, pecking my lips. "It's your turn, try not to wake Charlie", I said, climbing on top of her.

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