"lets go princess"

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The movie ended, and we were grabbing all our stuff to go back home. I grabbed Charlie, and she was wide awake at the moment. Vanessa was grabbing Charlie's bag, and the leftover popcorn. "Babe, can you hand me Charlie's pacifier", I asked, seeing Charlie was wanting something to chew on. Vanessa handed me the pacifier with the one hand she had left, and I put it in Charlie's mouth. "Ready to go home Mamas", I asked, in my baby voice, tickling Charlie's tummy. She giggled, and we walked out of the room where the movie was playing. Camilla, Lili, and Aubrey were behind us, then Drew, Ashleigh, Brandon, Evan, and Kj were behind them. Evan and Brandon were asleep, lucky Kj and Ashleigh, while Charlie and Aubrey were awake. "Mads, how are we gonna get her sleep", Vanessa asked, throwing away the popcorn. "We'll figure something out, because she has to go to daycare tomorrow", I said. "And she better not get in trouble this time either, because I can't just send another person to go get her", I said, as Charlie laid her head on my shoulder. "I need sleep", Vanessa said, leaning her head back while she walked. "You can't go to sleep, not until we get her to fall asleep", I said, pulling her head back up. Vanessa groaned, and we continued walking to our cars.
We said our goodbyes to everybody, and we're at home now. Vanessa took Charlie straight to the living room, and gave her a toy to play with. I sat on the couch, and Vanessa sat on top of me. "When do you think she'll fall asleep", I asked, rubbing Vanessa's ass. "When the sun comes up", Vanessa joked. I laughed, and laid back, turning the tv on. I turned on 'Mickey Mouse', to try and get Charlie sleepy. "Charlie, do you think you can go back to sleep", I asked, looking at her on the carpet. She looked up at me with a confused face, then went back to her toy. "She'll probably play until she's out", Vanessa said, standing up. "Where you going", I asked. "I'm grabbing Oreos, do you want something", she asked. "No thanks, I just want you", I said. "Wait til she's asleep", she said, walking back to the couch. Vanessa laid out top of me, eating Oreos, and we continued to watch tv.
Charlie is starting to fall asleep because I can see her eyes shut for a long time then open for like 3 seconds. She has also been yawning a lot, so I decided to take her upstairs to her room. I sat up, making Vanessa look at me tired and confused. "What are you doing", she asked, while I got up to grab Charlie. "Charlie's falling asleep", I said smiling. Vanessa just laid back down tiredly. I picked Charlie up slowly, and walked upstairs. I kissed her cheek once we got into her room, and laid her in the crib. "Goodnight Mamas", I said, putting covers over her. I walked out of her room, and walked back downstairs. When I reached the living room, Vanessa was laying on the couch, watching tv. "Babe, wanna go upstairs", I asked, biting my lip. Vanessa smirked at me, turned the television off, and walked towards me. "Let's go princess", she said. She grabbed my hand, and lead me upstairs to our bedroom.
Once we got into our room, she shut the door behind us, and I went to sit on the bed. Vanessa turned off the light, and I could her her pulling off her pants. She walked over to the bed slowly, and climbed up to me. She straddled my lap, and started to kiss my neck. She sat me up, and started to unzip the back of my body suit. Vanessa stopped unzipping it when she reached the top of my underwear. "Take it off, and I mean the whole bodysuit", I said, watching Vanessa unbutton the bottom of her bodysuit. She pulled off the bodysuit, leaving her in a bra and underwear. I moved my hands up and down her body, being sure not to miss one curve. "Can I get a kiss now", I asked, grabbing her ass. She gripped onto my cheeks, and pulled me in for a kiss. Our kiss was slow, but very passionate. While kissing, I laid back on the bed, and I could feel Vanessa's hands
explore my body. "Take it off", she said, tugging on the suit. I laughed, and pulled the rest of the bodysuit off. "I thought you were tired", I said, caressing her cheek. "I lied", she said, kissing my lips. I slid my tongue into her mouth, our tongues battling for dominance. I won, and Vanessa started to pull off my bra. We all know what happened next...
I was woken by the sound of my alarm, which woke Mads up too. I stopped my alarm, and looked down at Madelaine, who laid under me. "I don't wanna get up", I said, laying my head on her chest. "Babe, we have to get Charlie ready for daycare, and we have to be at work by 5:30", she said, sitting up. I groaned and she got up. She put on her underwear and bra last night before falling asleep, so I was left naked. "You look sexy as hell", I said, pulling her back into the bed. I got on top of her, and pecked her lips. "Babe, I love you, and I want you, but we have to get ready", she said, standing back up. "You're boring", I said, getting out of the bed. I put on my under clothes, and went to the closet to find an outfit. Madelaine followed behind me, grabbing a white shirt, and grey sweatpants. "I'm gonna go get Charlie up", she said, walking out the room. I grabbed a black sweatshirt, and some black leggings. Madelaine walked into the room with Charlie while I finished getting dressed. Madelaine sat on the bed, putting Charlie in front of her, and started to change her. I walked to the bathroom, and started to brush my teeth, then wash my hair. I'm surprised Charlie's not crying, because usually when we change her, she cries. I finished, put my hair in a ponytail, and walked out the bathroom with a lot of the hair products. Madelaine was waiting on me, so when I walked out the bathroom, she walked into it. "Charlie, What hairstyle do you want", I asked, taking out her old hairstyle. I decided to just brush her hair into a puff, because it'll be more comfortable for her to sleep in, If she were to take a nap.
Madelaine and I were done getting ready, and we finished getting Charlie ready, so we walked downstairs and packed Charlie's bag as she ate breakfast. I put Charlie in her high chair, and put some chopped up fruit on her tray. Madelaine packed her bag, while I entertained Charlie before leaving. Mads finished with Charlie's bag, and Charlie finished her breakfast, so we put on our shoes, and left for set.

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