"now, we wait"

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Madelaine, Camilla, Lili, and I just arrived at the mall. I got out of the passenger seat, and went to Charlie's door. I unbuckled her out of the car seat, picked her up, and went to the trunk to grab her stroller. Madelaine pumped the trunk, and I grabbed the stroller. Lili was getting Aubrey's stroller as well, and once I got Charlie into the stroller, I put the bag at the bottom, and waited for everybody. Lili finished putting Aubrey in her stroller, then Mads and Camilla got out the car. "Can you push the stroller", I asked Madelaine, using puppy dog eyes as my weapon. "How can I say no to that face", she said, pecking my lips. "Can you push the stroller", I heard Lili ask. I turned around to see her tryna do the same thing. Camilla looked at her then the stroller. "Babe, god gave you hands and legs for a reason", Cami said. We all laughed, while Lili rolled her eyes, and we started walking.
Once we walked into the mall, Camilla and I knew exactly where we wanted to go. But Lili and Madelaine wanted to go to a kid shop first, so they could get all the baby stuff over with. "Why don't we take a vote", Madelaine suggested. "If you want to get toys, raise your hand", she said. Lili and Mads raises their hands. "This is stupid, there's two and two", Camilla said. "Oh really", Madelaine said, raising Charlie and Aubrey's hands. "It's actually four and two. We won", Lili said, happily strolling Aubrey to the shop, with Cami following behind. "That's so unfair", I said, walking to the shop. Madelaine laughed and pushed Charlie to the shop. Inside the shop, there were toys, clothes, and more. Mads and I went separate from Camilla and Lili, and we started looking. While walking down a toy aisle, Charlie reached out for a doll. I looked at the doll, it was mixed with dark brown hair. I picked up the doll, and showed it to Charlie. "Do you want the doll", I asked, in my baby voice. Charlie wouldn't stop reaching for it, so I let her hold it while we continued shopping. We grabbed a little more toys, then moved onto the clothes. I saw a really cute outfit for Charlie. It was a white onesie with pineapples, and it came with a matching headband. "Should we get this", I asked, holding it up to Mads. "Aww, it's adorable, but look at this one", she said, holding up a onesie that says, 'I got it from my Mama', with black shorts that have a gold bow, and a black headband. "We're definitely getting that", I said. We continued to shop, until we finished.
We've been shopping for about three hours, and taking pictures with fans, so we all figured it was time to go. I was pushing Charlie's stroller, while Madelaine carried all the bags. We reached the car, and I took Charlie out the stroller, and put the stroller in the trunk. While Camilla and Mads put the bags in the trunk, Lili and I were buckling Aubrey and Charlie into their car seats. After buckling them, Camilla and I sat in the back with the babies, while Mads drove and Lili in the passenger seat. During the ride, Charlie started to cry, so I tried to give her a bottle, but that didn't work. "Babe, she won't take the bottle", I said to Mads. "Give her some food", Mads said. I reached in Charlie's bag, and grabbed some puffs. I put them in her hands, and she just threw them on the car floor. I grabbed Charlie's hand and smacked it, making her cry even louder. "I think she's just tired", I said, getting on my phone.I scrolled through my playlist, until I found Charlie's favorite song. "Play this song", I said, giving Lili my phone. She hooked my phone up on the Bluetooth, and pressed play. Charlie got quieter once she heard the song. "I love this song", Cami said, singing along with it. "It's Charlie's favorite, it can calm her down easily", I said, looking at Charlie sniffle. The song is 'Lovely' by Billie Eilish. For the rest of the car ride, we played the song, until Charlie stopped crying.
I was upstairs with Charlie, trying to get her to fall asleep. "Why can't you go to sleep Mamas", I asked, rocking her back and forth. I was trying, so I called Madelaine upstairs. "Yeah babe", she said, as she walked into the room. "Can you please get her to sleep? Nothing is working", I said, giving Charlie to her. "Did you play her favorite song", Mads asked. "I did, and she's still awake", I said. "I'll take care of it", Madelaine said, looking at Charlie. "Thanks", I said, kissing her cheek before leaving. I walked downstairs to the living room, which is where Camilla, Lili, and a sleeping Aubrey was. "Why don't you just take Aubrey up to Charlie's room", I asked. "Isn't Charlie sleep", Lili asked. "No, but even if she was, they could shared the crib", I said. Lili picked Aubrey up carefully, and took her upstairs. I sat on a couch, and talked to Camilla. "So, hows y'all relationship", I asked. "It's good, we get into arguments sometimes, but we always make up", she said. "Do you and Madelaine ever argue", she asked. "We argue sometimes, but mostly after pranks. Every couple argues though, but they become stronger after they make up", I said. Camilla nodded, then a Lili came back downstairs. "Is Charlie sleep", I asked, as she sat next to Cami. "Yeah, Mads just up there putting a blanket over them", she said. I nodded, turned on the tv, and waited for Mads.
Vanessa was laying on top of me, and giving me hickeys. I looked over at Camilla and Lili, who were full on making out on the other couch. I was literally the only one actually watching tv. Vanessa was sucking on a specific part of my neck longer than usual. "Babe, why have you just been sucking on the part", I asked, making her look up at me. "I'm trying to make a big hickey", she smirked, leaning back towards my neck. I stopped her by putting my bad on her face. "What's the regular hickey size for you", I asked, a little scared for her answer. She paused to calculate it in her head, "Like a golf ball", she said. "Then what's the big size", I asked, this time really scared for her answer. "A tennis ball", she giggled. "Vanessa, you're not about to put a tennis ball sized hickey on my neck", I said. "Why not? It's not like you can't cover it with make up", she said. "Are y'all seriously talking about the sizes of hickeys right now", Camilla interrupted. I sat up, making Vanessa come up with me, and we looked at Camilla. "Vanessa's tryna give me a tennis ball sized hickey", I said. "I would do the same thing to Cami", Lili said, making Camilla shocked. "You're never leaving a big hickey on my neck", Cami said. "Y'all can just cover it up with makeup", Vanessa said, which Lili agreed to. "Y'all are crazy if you think you're gonna leave big hickeys on our neck", I said. "Y'all wanna vote on this", Vanessa asked, grabbing her phone. "Yes please", Cami said. Vanessa went to Instagram, and posted a poll on her story. The poll asked if you would rather give receive a tennis ball sized hickey from your partner or no. "Now, we wait", she said, going to the timer on her phone. She put 10 minutes on the timer, and put her phone down. "What do we do in the mean time", Lili asked. "I know what I'm doing", Vanessa said, pushing me back down. She started to kiss along my jawline to my lips. I saw in the corner of my eye, Camilla and Lili recording us. I pulled Vanessa down more, and whispered something into her ear. "Put on a show", I whispered. She looked at me with a smile, then smashed her lips into mine. She grabbed my neck, pulling me closer to her, as she slid her tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance, and she won, so her tongue explored my mouth. She pulled away, taking my lip with her. She pecked my lips a couple more times, before sticking her tongue out. I brought my tongue out of my mouth, and our tongues flicked each other, the jewelry clashing. We continued for a minute before she pecked my lips again. She sat up and we looked at Camilla and Lili, who had their mouth in an o shape. "Close your mouths", Vanessa said. "Y'all are freaky", Lili said, ending the video she was recording of us. "And y'all aren't", I clapped back. Camilla and Lili both got up, and acted like they heard nothing. Vanessa and I laughed, then the timer went off. Vanessa stopped the timer, opened her phone, and went to Instagram. "87 percent said they rather receive a tennis ball sized hickey", she said proudly. "We told y'all", Lili laughed. "Our fans are freaky", Camilla said. "We been established that", I said. We all laughed, then Cami and Lili went back to the other couch, while Vanessa went back to giving me hickeys.
Vanessa was asleep on top of me, and Camilla and Lili were also asleep. I grabbed my phone, went to Instagram, and scrolled through recent things. I had my brightness all the way up, and I could tell it was irritating Vanessa because she kept rubbing her eyes. I lowered my brightness, and continued scrolling. A couple minutes later, Vanessa started to rub her eyes until she opened them slowly. "What's wrong", I asked, as she sat up. She just looked at me with a pout, and laid back down. "Okay, great talk", I laughed. I put my phone down, and watched tv the rest of the time before falling asleep.

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