"roses are red, violets are blue"

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We were at Camilla and Lili's talking about random things, while Charlie played with Lili's niece that was here for a couple days. "Awe, they get along so well", Camilla said, turning her head towards the two. "I hope they can be like that forever", Vanessa said. "Just wait til one of them cries, the others gonna do the same", Lili rolled her eyes. We all laughed and continued talking, until I heard a small whimper from one of the two. "Did y'all here that", Camilla asked. "I thought it was just me", I said, looking at which one it was. "I think it was Audrey", Vanessa said. Audrey is Lili's niece. Her face was scrunched up, like she was about to throw a tantrum, and her eyes were watery. "Lili I think she's about to throw a tantrum", I said. Lili hurried to grab a bottle, and picked up Audrey quickly. Audrey let out another small whimper, until Lili put the bottle in her mouth. I looked over at Charlie, who was still playing with toys, and saw her eyes water too. "Vanessa can you grab Charlie's bottle too", I asked. Vanessa looked at Charlie, then grabbed her bottle. I picked her up, put the bottle in her mouth, and rocked her back and forth. "It's gonna be harder when she about 5", Camilla said. Vanessa and I looked at each other scared. "Let's hope we have her under control then", Vanessa laughed. "So, What're we gonna do today", Lili asked, giving Audrey to Camilla. "I don't know.. we can go to Venice Beach, and walk on the boardwalk", Vanessa suggested. "I'm down, anything that involves food I'm good with", Lili said. We all laughed, and agreed to the plan.
Vanessa and I went upstairs to their guest bedroom, so we could get changed and change Charlie. We put some clothes inside Charlie's bag, just incase we went anywhere. Vanessa put on a striped gray and white crop top, white leggings, a gray cardigan, and some adidas. I put on a black and white striped off the shoulder crop top, black leggings, and some Air Jordan 11 Retro's. Vanessa changed Charlie's diaper, then put her in a onesie that says, "Mama Is My Bestie", black leggings, and some white socks, because Charlie's not walking. After, I left my hair out, since it was already straight, Vanessa put hers in a ponytail, and we put Charlie's half up half down. "Are you guys ready", Camilla shouted from downstairs. "We're coming now", Vanessa yelled back. I picked up the baby bag, and Vanessa carries Charlie downstairs. We put Charlie in her car seat, then put her in the car. Lili and Camilla did the same, then me and Camilla had to sit in the back with the babies, while Lili and Vanessa sat in front. And with that, we drove to Venice Beach.
We arrived at Venice Beach. Madelaine and Camilla got the babies out the car, and we started walking along the boardwalk. A couple fans walked up to all of us, asking for pictures, and the usual introduction to the babies. After 5 minutes, the fans started to dial down, so we continued to walk. "Guys we should get henna tattoos", Camilla suggested. "I agree, but I don't know what I would get", Madelaine said. "I don't want one", Lili said. "I'm with Lili, I don't feel like getting one, anyways I rather get a permanent one", I said. "How about Camilla and I get one, and Lili and You watch the babies, and walk around some more", Madelaine said. "Sure, But we might get a snack without y'all", Lili said. "That's fine, when we meet up again, we're getting more snacks", Camilla said. Madelaine and I just laughed. Madelaine handed me Charlie, while Camilla gave Lili Audrey. "Okay we'll see y'all in about 20 minutes", Madelaine said. She pecked me on the lips, as Camilla did the same to Lili, and they left to the henna shop.
"Where should we go first", Lili asked, looking around at all the small shops. "I say, we should get Camilla and Madelaine something, like to surprise them", I said. Lili nodded, and we walked into a shop that had all types of things. I kissed Charlie's cheek, as we looked for things. Me and Lili both decided to make a cute box for them, filled with all their favorites. For example, For Madelaine's box I'm gonna put in her favorite candies, some perfume and lotion, and necklace, and some money. I grabbed some of her favorite candies, like gummy bears, airheads, sour patch kids, and warheads. I found a cute necklace that had "My Queen", on it, so I picked that. I found some lotion and perfume that smelled really good, and I'll just put money in it later. I bought Charlie some of those baby puffs in the flavor 'Strawberry and Apple", and went to check on what Lili was doing.
We bought the stuff, and we sat at a bench, so we could start on the boxes. I gave Charlie and Audrey some puffs to eat, while we decorated. I made my box red, because it's Mads favorite color, and Lili made hers green for Camilla. I put all things neatly in the box, and put $50 in the corner. We finished our boxes, and put a cute quote on the inside, so when they opened it they would see the quote. I put "Roses are red, Violets are blue, Out of one million girls, I'd still choose you", and Lili put "If I had a star for every minute you crossed my mind, I would own a galaxy". "We're so corny", I laughed. Just as we put the boxes in a bag for later, I got a text from Madelaine.

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||4:17pmI was playing with Charlie, when I heard someone scream my name

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I was playing with Charlie, when I heard someone scream my name. I turned around to see Madelaine and Camilla. They walked over to me and Lili, and told us to come on. We stood up, Madelaine picked up Charlie, and I grabbed the bag that had the boxes in it. Madelaine looked down at the bag curiously, "Whats in the bag", she asked. "Oh.. Umm, Me and Lili bought Charlie and Audrey a few snacks", I lied. Madelaine looked at me suspiciously and we continued to walk. "I'm hungry", Camilla said. "Me too", Madelaine said. "Well, we can find a restaurant here", Lili said. We all got on our phones and looked for restaurants near us. We all decided on Mao's Kitchen, which was a Chinese restaurant. It was only a five minute walk from where we were, so we got to walking.
We were in the restaurant, we already ordered, and we were all just talking. "So, What'd you guys do while we were gone", Madelaine asked. "Well, we went to the store for baby snacks, and we played at the arcade a little", Lili lied. "Oh, so y'all pretty much did nothing", Camila giggled. "Exactly", I said. "What're we gonna do tonight", Camilla asked. "We could watch a couple movies, and Madelaine and Vanessa can stay over, if y'all want", Lili suggested. "Sure, we just gotta stop at our place to get clothes", Madelaine said. Charlie and Audrey were in a high chair, eating their puffs. "They're too cute", Lili said. "The cutest I've ever seen", I added. "Maybe when we go home to grab a few things, we could have some fun", Madelaine whispered in my ear. I smiled, "What about Charlie", I asked her. "We could ask Lili and Camilla to watch her while we get clothes", she whispered. I turned to her, grabbed her chin, and kissed her lips. "What was all that about", Camilla asked confused. "Oh nothing, just Mads being freaky", I said. Lili laughed, "Y'all are too cute", she said. "Same to you", I said to them. Our food came, we ate and talked, then we left Venice Beach.
While we were in the car, I asked Lili to drop us off at our house for clothes. I also asked her to watch Charlie while we did it, and she agreed to it. They dropped us off, and drove back home. Once we walked through the door, I pushed Vanessa to the wall and kissed her roughly. She kissed back passionately, and moved her hands to my neck. She hopped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist, and I walked to the couch. I laid back on the couch, allowing Vanessa to straddle me. She started to kiss my neck. She bit and sucked gently on it, leaving her mark everywhere. She came back up to my lips and kissed me more before pulling away, taking my lip with her. "Sorry to cut this short, but we really need to get clothes", she said, still out of breath from the kiss. We walked upstairs and started packing some clothes in a bag. I went to Charlie's room, grabbed her a couple of things, and put it in a bag. While I packed some hair things, Vanessa went downstairs to grab Charlie's pacifier, teething toy, and bottles. We finished packing, and left for Lili and Camilla's house.

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