"they're coming for me too"

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I was woken up by my alarm, with Madelaine under me. It was still dark in the room, so I had to feel around the nightstand until I found my phone. During this time, Madelaine was twisting and turning until her eyes finally opened. I found my phone, stopped the alarm, and greeted Mads. "Morning sexy", I said, moving a piece of hair behind her ear. "Five more minutes", she mumbled, turning the other way. "Okay, I'll go get Charlie ready", I said, getting up. I walked downstairs to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle from the fridge, and went to Charlie's room. I opened the door to see her still sleep, so I wasn't gonna put the bottle in her mouth. I grabbed an outfit out her drawer, picked her up, and started to change her. While I was cleaning her, she woke up and started to cry. I reached for her bottle, and put it in her mouth. After getting her dressed, I picked her up, and walked to our room. Madelaine was still asleep, but it was time for her to get up. I laid Charlie on the bed, and started to wake Madelaine up. "Babe, wake up", I said, rubbing her cheek. She opened her eyes, and groaned. "Fine, I'm up", she said, sitting up. "Hi Charlie", she said in a baby voice, kissing Charlie's forehead. I walked to the closet, grabbed a t-shirt, and adidas joggers, then went to the bathroom. I changed into my outfit, and started to wash my face. I felt Madelaine's hands smack my ass, while I was washing the face wash off my face. I dried my face with a towel, looked at Madelaine, and kissed her. "Quit smacking my ass while I'm washing my face", I said, grabbing hers. She laughed, and started to wash her face, while I got started with hair. I brushed my hair back into a ponytail, and curled it. I brushed my teeth, then I walked into our room, got behind Charlie, who was done with her bottle, and started doing her hair. I braided her hair back into two buns, and laid her edges. "All done", I said, giving Charlie a kiss. Madelaine walked out the bathroom, and to the closet, grabbing a white hoodie and black leggings. She went to the bathroom to change and do her hair, while I took Charlie downstairs, and started to pack her stuff. I sat Charlie in her high chair, gave her some blueberries and strawberries, then packed her bag.
We were all ready, so I grabbed the car keys and Charlie's bag, and took it to the car. A couple seconds later, Madelaine brought Charlie out, putting her in the car seat, and got into the passenger seat. "Let's go", Madelaine smiled, as I started the car. Once we arrived at the daycare, we signed Charlie in, said our goodbyes, and left for set. "Can we get Starbucks first, I want a croissant", Madelaine asked. I nodded, and drove to Starbucks. When we got there, I ordered the usual dragon fruit refresher, and Madelaine got a caramel snickerdoodle Macchiato and a croissant. We got our food and drinks, and drove to set.
We just got to set, and we walked to Madelaine's trailer. "Do you have the script", I asked, as soon as we got in her trailer. "Yeah, one sec", she said, putting her stuff down. She grabbed the script out her bag, and gave it to me. "Babe, I don't wanna do this", I said, reading what it said. "Why, What happens", she asked, grabbing the script. Madelaine's eyes widened as she saw what it said. "You have to kiss Cole", she said. "I don't want to though", I said, rolling my eyes. "I only want to kiss you, plus the fans are gonna be pissed. Both Choni and Bughead", I said, sitting beside her on the couch. "It's okay, it's just one kiss", she said, rubbing my head. "Yeah, but still.. why do I have too", I asked. "It's your job babe, your gonna kiss a few people", Madelaine said. She looked at me, and grabbed my chin, "Just know, it's a one time thing. Okay", she said. I nodded, and she pulled me into her lips. I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her closer, and deepened the kiss. I slipped my tongue into her mouth, and our tongues fought for dominance. She wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me on top of her, and won dominance. Her tongue explored my mouth, causing me to moan in hers. Ours tongues flicked up and down, making Madelaine get turned on. Madelaine squeezed my butt roughly, then pulled apart. I attached my lips to her neck, sucking it gently, and biting it occasionally. I find around til I found here sweet spot, sucking on it, making her moan quietly. After leaving about 3 hickeys, I disconnected my lips from her neck, and pecked her lips. "Why didn't you continue", she asked, biting her lip. "Well, first we need to hide those hickeys I just left, and we can't have sex in your trailer", I said. "Why not", she asked. "This trailer ain't noise canceling, because we both know I will moan loud", I said, getting up. She pulled me back on her lap, "What if I want you to moan loud", she asked, trailing her hand down my stomach. "No babe", I said, getting up. I walked to my phone, seeing that I got texts from Camilla telling us to meet her at her trailer. I texted her that we're on our way, then I told Mads and we left.
We walked into Camilla's trailer, only to see her and Lili making out. I cleared my throat, getting their attention, and Lili hopped off Cami. "Hey gu-, Madelaine you need to hide those", Camilla said, pointing the hickeys. "Vanessa, Why didn't you remind me", I asked, covering my fresh hickeys. Vanessa just laughed, and sat on the couch beside Lili. "Lili you got any concealer", I asked. "In my 3rd pocket", Lili said, referring to her book bag. I found the concealer, and applied it to my neck. I covered up the hickeys pretty well, then put the concealer back. "So I'm guessing y'all were doing the same thing we were in your trailer", Cami said laughing. "Yeah, except y'all didn't do it with a neck sucker", I said, looking at Vanessa. "I'm not even gonna lie, I do that a lot", Vanessa said. "Damn, that's Camilla. Every time I'm watching something, she'll give me hickeys", Lili said. "It's just fun bothering you during shows", Cami said. "I don't think I bother Mads because last night, she even asked me if I wanted her to tilt her head", Vanessa said. "That's cause I like it.. well at least til I realize how big they are", I said. I walked over to Vanessa, she got up, I sat down, and she sat on my lap. "Toni you making it seem like Cheryl's top", Lili laughed. "I mean she is some nights", Vanessa said. "I have a serious question for y'all", I said. "What is it", Camilla asked. "How many times a day do you guys talk about or have sex", I asked them. Vanessa punched me in the shoulder, "What, I'm just asking", I said, punching her back. Camilla and Lili day in silence, thinking about their answers. "I'd say talk about it 24/7, but do it like once a day", Lili said. "Damn, y'all like us", I said. We all laughed, and talked until Roberto told us go to hair and makeup.
Vanessa and I were in my trailer, watching "Good Girls", on Netflix. Vanessa would occasionally look at me, and then back at the screen. So I felt it as my duty, to find out what's up with her. "Babe, what's wrong", I asked, pausing Netflix. "Nothing, I just feel guilty for kissing Cole", she said. "Didn't I already tell you that it's okay. It's just for the show. It's not gonna happen in real life", I said. "Yeah, and all these fans about to go crazy once they see it", Vanessa said. "Hey, look at me", I picked grabbed her cheeks, "If anybody comes for you, their coming for me too", I said. She smiled, and pecked my lips. "Thanks babe", she said, hugging me. I laid back, leaving her on top of me, and replayed the show. Vanessa would kiss me sometimes, thanking me for being by her side. I wanted to do something really special for Vanessa, but I don't know what. It's something I have to think about.
Vanessa, Camilla, Lili, and I were done with all of our scenes, so we are going to the mall. Vanessa and I in my car, and Lili and Camilla in theirs. We wanted to see who would get to the mall first, by taking different routes. Our said we only had 2 minutes left, and the winners get $10 each, so we were tryna win. Once we got to the mall, we waited out front for Camilla and Lili. Once I saw their car, they parked, and walked to us. "Give me my money", Vanessa said. Lili and Camilla both took out $10, and gave it to us. "Thanks for being good sports", I said, as we walked into the mall. We walked into Pink/ Victoria Secret first, to get some clothes. Camilla and Vanessa went into the lingerie area, while Lili and I stayed in the clothes area. I picked a couple of hoodies, and got a pair of slides. Lili got some leggings, and sweatshirts. Lili and I paid for our stuff, then went to find Vanessa and Cami. Vanessa had two sets of lingerie with her and Camilla had one.


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"I think I'm done", Vanessa said

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"I think I'm done", Vanessa said. "Me too", Camilla added. They paid for their stuff, and we went to some others stores. While walking to Forever21, Vanessa and I were behind Camilla and Lili, so we had time to talk. I had my arm around her shoulders, and hers was around my waist. "So babe, What're you gonna do with that lingerie", I asked. She looked at me and smiled, "I was hoping at the end of the night they'll be off me, but that's up to you", she whispered in my ear. I blushed so hard, and didn't say anything. We continued shopping, until we all got what we wanted. We said our goodbyes to Cami and Lili, and went separate ways.
Vanessa and I drove to the daycare to get Charlie. We got to the building, and was greeted by Dana, allowing us to come in. "So, How was she", I asked, as Dana gave me Charlie. "As good as the last time", Dana smiled. Vanessa signed out Charlie, and we left. I buckled Charlie into her car seat, and we drove home.

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