"i did do better"

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Vanessa, Charlie, and I were in the living room watching tv when the doorbell rang. "Did you order something", I asked Vanessa. "I was gonna ask you that", Vanessa said. Vanessa picked up Charlie, and I walked towards the front door. I looked at Vanessa, which nodded, and I opened the door. I was shocked at who was standing on the other side. "Mom", Vanessa said. When did Vanessa plan on telling me her mom was coming. "Nessa", she yelled, walking in to hug Vanessa. "Hello Ms. Mziray", I said, still confused on why she was here. "Is this Charlie", her mom asked. She completely ignored me and picked up Charlie. "Nice to meet you too", I mumbled, hoping nobody heard me. Vanessa looked at me with a look, telling me to stop. I gave her an annoyed look back. Her mom was tickling, and talking to Charlie. "So Ms.Mziray, what brings you here", I asked. "Well, when Vanessa told me y'all adopted Charlie, I wanted to come meet her", she replied. "Mom, you cant just pop up like that", Vanessa said. "Oh, I guess I could leave then", her mom said, looking down. "No, that's not what I meant. I'm just saying we weren't prepared", Vanessa said. "You're right, I should've called", she said. "Your fine, you could stay whenever you want", I said, hoping to lift the mood. Her mom smiled, gave Charlie back to Vanessa, and hugged me. "Thank you", she said. I nodded, and Vanessa led her mom into the living room. They started talking, and I went to the kitchen to make bottles for later.
"Babe, I think Charlie needs changed", Vanessa said. I walked into the living room, grabbed Charlie, and went upstairs to my room. I laid Charlie on my bed, grabbed a diaper from out the drawer, and started changing Charlie. "What do you think about grandma Mziray", I asked in my baby voice. Charlie just sat there, "Same", I laughed. I finished changing her, threw away the old diaper, and I picked her up. "Wanna go back to mommy", I asked, poking her nose. Charlie giggled, and I started to walk downstairs. "I don't think she's right for you", I heard Ms. Mziray say. I stopped halfway down the stairs, and listened for Vanessa's response. Vanessa sighed, "Mom, you cant just come in our house, and tell me you don't like my girlfriend. She's the love of my life, and you cant just disrespect her like that", Vanessa said. "I'm just saying, you could do better", her mom said. "I did do better. Madelaine is the most beautiful girl in the world. You cant just disrespect her like that when we have a child together. I'm sorry to do this since you just got here, but I need you to go", Vanessa said. "Well, if that's how you feel", Ms. Mziray said. I saw her walk to the front door, and then she looked up and saw me. She gave me a look of disgust, and then left. I walked down the stairs, went into the living room, put Charlie down, and kissed Vanessa. "Thanks for standing up for me", I said, pecking her lips. "You heard everything", she asked confused. "Yeah, and your the love of my life too", I said. I kissed her and she pulled me to the couch. We sat down, and watched tv, until Charlie started whining. I picked her up, and put her on the couch with Vanessa and I. I kissed her forehead, and we all watched tv for awhile.
Charlie was asleep on the couch beside Vanessa and I, so I picked her up gently, trying not to wake her, and took her to her room. I kissed her forehead, and laid her in the crib. I hoped that she wouldn't wake up in a couple hours, because I want some alone time with Vanessa. I walked out the nursery, closing the door behind me, and I went downstairs to Vanessa. "Hey baby", I said, walking over towards the couch. "Hey sexy", she replied. She sat up, and I straddled her lap. "Let's hope Charlie doesn't wake up soon", Vanessa said. I smiled and leaned into her. Her lips smashed into mine, and I kissed her passionately. I deepened the kiss by laying my tongue on her bottom lip, which she lowered so I could slip my tongue into her mouth. I wrapped my arms around her neck, while hers went to my backside. She pulled me closer to her, our tongues battling for dominance, but she won. I started to slide my hands under her shirt, outlining circles on her skin with my fingertips. Vanessa squeezed my butt gently, and I moaned quietly into her mouth. She started to pull my shirt off, but then the doorbell rang. We ignored it the first time and continued making out, but it was rung again. "Why do things interrupt us", I groaned, getting off Vanessa's lap. I fixed my hair as I walked to the door. I opened the door to see Ashleigh, Casey, Camilla, Lili, and Cole. "What're you guys doing here", I asked, hugging them as they walked inside. "We came because we wanted to hang out", Cole said. "We also came to play with Charlie", Casey said. "Bad timing then because Charlie's asleep", Vanessa said, as she started greeting everyone. "Bummer, but we could still have fun with y'all", Lili said. We all went to the kitchen, and I grabbed everyone a cup. "What do y'all want", I asked, referring to the drinks. "What do y'all have", Ashleigh asked. "Uhh.. we have vodka, rum, wine, apple juice, orange juice, and water", Vanessa said. "Wine", said Camilla, Lili, and Ashleigh. "I'll take orange juice", Cole said. "I'll have Rum", Casey said. Vanessa and I poured everyone's drinks. Vanessa and me drank apple juice since we had to help Charlie when she woke up. "Cole why's you get orange juice", Camilla asked. "I have to drive all of you back home. So why y'all get drunk, I'll be sober", he said. We all laughed, and we started playing games like never have I ever. "Okay, rules are if you've done it you have to take a shot. Now, me and Vanessa are not gonna do that cause we have Charlie, but we'll take a shot of Lemon juice instead", I explained. Everybody agreed and we got started with the game.
"Never have I ever caught my parents doing it", Camilla said. Everybody took a shot except for Madelaine, Lili, and Cole. "Damn, have y'all ever heard it then", Ashleigh asked. Madelaine and Lili took a shot, but Cole still didn't. "Damn Sprouse", Madelaine laughed. We all laughed then moved on to the next question. "Never have I ever said the wrong name during sex", Casey said. Only Camilla, Casey, and I took a shot. "When", Madelaine asked. "Don't worry, it wasn't with you. It was with my ex", I said. "What'd you call him", Ashleigh asked. "I think it was Keith, which was my other ex's name", I said. They all laughed, and continued the for another hour.
Everybody was drunk except for Madelaine, Cole, and I. We were all in the living room watching a movie. Camilla and Lili were asleep, Ashleigh was singing, and Casey was crying. Cole, Madelaine, and I were just laughing at them. Cole started to try and get everyone to leave, so that Charlie wouldn't wake up. "Wake up Camili", Cole said, throwing a pillow at the two. "Casey, whatever your crying about, you need to stop and leave with Cole", I said, helping Casey off the couch. Madelaine put her hand over Ashleigh's mouth to stop her from singing, and walked her out to the car. Once they were all outside, we put everybody in the car, and they left. Madelaine and I went back inside the house, and cleaned the kitchen.
Mads and I were in our room watching Netflix on her laptop. I was laying on top of her, kissing her neck every now and then. I could tell she was trying not to get caught up in my kissing, but it didn't seem to be working. She would smile and blush when I kissed her neck. I looked up at her, and kissed her jawline up to her lips. She didn't kiss back at first, but after a minute, our tongues were battling for dominance. I pulled away slowly, taking her bottom lip with me. "Goodnight Babe", I said, putting my head in the crook of her neck. She started to stroke my head gently, "Goodnight gorgeous", she said, kissing my head. With that I fell asleep in the warmth of my girlfriend.

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