"bitch, back up"

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Madelaine and I were currently getting dressed to get Charlie from daycare. Camilla, Lili, and Sarah were all downstairs sleeping, so I thought we could surprise them. We were both ready, so we went downstairs, grabbed our keys, and left. "Mads, send Lili a text saying we're getting Charlie", I said. Madelaine texted Camilla, and we drove to the daycare. We pulled up to the building, and rang the doorbell. "Hello, Charlie is in the back playing, I'll go get her", Dana said, allowing us in. Madelaine signed out Charlie, while Dana was coming back. She handed me the bag and Charlie. "Charlie was a good girl today. She only cried once", Dana said. "Thanks Dana, Bye", Madelaine said, as we walked out. I put Charlie in her car seat, and we drove to Starbucks. I ordered a blueberry muffin for Charlie, a dragon fruit refresher for me, and a caramel macchiato for Madelaine. We got our stuff and headed home.
We arrived home, Madelaine got Charlie out the car, and we walked inside. I guess everyone was still sleep because there was no noise when we walked in. We went into the kitchen, put Charlie in her high chair, and we ate our Starbucks. I broke up the muffin into small pieces for Charlie, and drank my refresher. After I finished my drink, I walked into the living to see Sarah on one couch, and Cami and Lili on the other. "Madelaine, can you grab me two pans", I asked. She walked in, gave me the pans, and I'm doing this bad girls club way."Close Charlie's eats", I told Madelaine. "I AIN'T GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF YALL, YALL NOT GONNA GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF ME", I yelled, banging the pans together. I watched as Sarah and Lili started to wake up. I banged the pans together in front of Camilla, and she woke. "What the hell V", Lili said. "Do y'all wanna see Charlie", I asked. They all stretched, and followed me to the kitchen, where Charlie was eating. "Hi Charlie, You remember me", Camilla said, tickling Charlie. Lili did the same, while Sarah just looked at me smiling. "Are you gonna say hello", I asked Sarah. "Oh yeah, Hi Charlie, I'm Sarah", she said politely. I don't think Madelaine saw her looking at me. "We need to talk", Mads whispered, grabbing my hand and pulling me outside. "Watch her Cam", Madelaine said, shutting the door. "I know you saw the way she was looking at you", Madelaine said. "I saw, but I didn't think nothing of it", I said, shrugging my shoulders. "That's the thing, you should think about it", she said. "Why though? It could just be a friendly smile", I suggested. "Vanessa, Your always tryna find the good in everything, and you should stop", Madelaine said. "So you want me to be negative all the time", I questioned. "No, I want you to be honest with yourself, and realize that she likes you", Madelaine said. "So if I say I already found the love of my life am I being honest with myself or just you", I asked. "Don't answer that", I said. I rolled my eyes, walked into the house, and went upstairs.
I was just left confused on how she got mad. I walked inside, and everyone looked at me. "Are you Okay", Lili asked. "Yeah, Where's Sarah", I asked, because she ain't in the kitchen. "Oh, she went upstairs to talk to Vanessa", Camilla said. I rolled my eyes, and walked upstairs. Camilla followed me, while Lili stayed with Charlie. I walked into our room, only to see Sarah leaning in. "Bitch, back up", I said, walking to the bed. "Now explain why you're tryna kiss my girlfriend", I asked, sitting in the bed beside Vanessa. "I think she deserves somebody better", Sarah said. "Give me an example of who's better", I said. "Me", she said. I tried to swing on her and Vanessa stopped me, but she couldn't stop me from kicking Sarah in the jaw. "What you wanna do now", I asked, waiting for her to look up. "Im gonna beat your ass", Sarah said. She lunged at me, and I punched her in the face, but that didn't stop her. She kicked me in the cheek, then I got off the bed. "Come here", I said. She got off the bed, and walked slowly towards me. I grabbed her throat harder than Vanessa. "You know the good thing about you not being my girlfriend", I asked. She looked at me frightened, "I can actually choke you to death", I said, putting my other hand on her neck. Vanessa and Camilla pulled me off her, and Sarah backed away to catch her breath. "Don't ever try to kiss my girlfriend again", I said, trying to swing at her again, but Vanessa was holding me back.  Vanessa pushed me onto the bed, climbing on top of me. "Don't try to fight her, she's not worth it", Vanessa said, moving my hair out my face. "Now you, you can go", Vanessa said to Sarah. "Oh wait, you're never gonna be better than Madelaine, get that through your head", Vanessa said. Sarah stormed off, leaving the house. Vanessa started to get off my lap, but I pulled her back down. "Can I leave", Camilla asked. I nodded, she closed the door, and left. "Now, Can you say three words", I asked. "Are serious Madelaine", she asked. "More serious than I'll ever be", I said, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Fine, I love you", she said smirking. "You know what I meant", I said. She rolled her eyes, "You were right", she said, playing with my ring. "What was I right about", I asked. "That Sarah likes me", she said, leaning down. She put her head in the crook of my neck, and kissed my neck. "Vanessa, not right now, we have our kid here", I said, pushing her away from my neck. She groaned, got up, and went downstairs. I got in too, and went downstairs.
Lili and Camilla left awhile ago, leaving Vanessa, a sleepy Charlie, and me. I looked at Charlie, who was yawning and closing her eyes for a long time, and went to her. I picked her up, and took her upstairs. I put her in the crib, put a blanket over her, and said goodnight. I went downstairs to Vanessa, who was on Instagram, and sat on her. "This is not how it goes", she said, switching positions with me. I laughed, and grabbed her phone out of her hands. "What're you looking at", I asked. "I was watching a movie, now give it back", she said. She reached for her phone, but I pulled it back quickly. "Give me my phone", she whined. I shook my head, so she whimpered, laid across me with her head in a pillow. "Babe, are you seriously crying", I asked, laughing at what she doing. "I'm not crying, I'm just patiently waiting for you to give me my phone", she said. "You can have it if you give me a kiss", I said. She hurried to get up and was about to kiss me, but I stopped her. "Not a quick peck", I said, as she frowned. "I'm too tired to make out with you", Vanessa said. I laughed, "Then you're not getting the phone", I said. Vanessa grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. She slipped her tongue into my mouth, exploring my body with her hands until she reached her phone. Our tongues battled for dominance, and she won. I felt her hand move up my arm until she reached mine. She grabbed the phone out my hand, and pulled away with my bottom lip. "Welp, I got my phone", she laughed. She laid on the couch, her hips laying on my legs. "You a manipulator Mziray", I said, grabbing the remote. I turned our tv to Netflix, and turned on a show.
Vanessa and I were in our room, playing with each other's hands and talking. "You are so beautiful", Vanessa said, pecking my lips. "And jealous", she said laughing. I mocked her laugh, then got serious, "I get jealous easy, what can I say, your mine", I said. "And that's how it'll always be", Vanessa said. "It's hot in here", Vanessa said, sitting up and taking off her shirt. I sat in admiration of her bare chest, and looked away once she looked at me. "Babe, you can look if you want, I don't bite", she giggled. "Well I do", I said, feeling my way from her stomach to her neck. I leaned in and kissed her lips slowly. I moved my hands to her waist, pulling her closer as I slid my tongue into her mouth. She moaned quietly as my tongue explored her mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and climbed on top of me. She slipped her hands under my shirt and rested them on my bare skin. After a couple minutes, I pulled away, too tired to continue. "Just as I was about to get to the good part", Vanessa said. "Sorry, but I'm tired", I said laughing. "Well, Goodnight Babe", she said. "Goodnight", I said, closing my eyes, and falling asleep.

My Everything|| MadnessaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ