"has she done anything"

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I just arrived at Charlie's daycare, and I was scared of seeing what the hell happened. I rang the doorbell, and a short girl answered. "Hi, you must be here to pick up Charlie", she said. "Yeah, how'd you know", I asked, walking inside. "Your Camilla Mendes, one of Vanessa and Madelaine's friends. And your on a tv show with them", she said. I laughed and signed Charlie out. "So, I heard about the violent things that happened, but Mads wanted to know if she did anything after that phone call", I said. "Well, she had a long tantrum, and then she threw a toy at me too", the lady said. "Can I apologize to the kid hit threw something at and the teachers", I asked. The lady nodded, and took me to the teachers and kid. "Hey, I'm a friend of Charlie's parents, but they couldn't be here so they asked me to apologize to y'all for all the violence Charlie has been doing, and that they're really sorry because Charlie never does any of this around them", I said to the teachers and kid. "We accept your apology", the teachers said, and the little girl nodded. I smiled and walked to where the other lady had Charlie. "By the way, are you Dana", I asked, picking Charlie up out of her hands. "Yes", she said, handing me Charlie's bag. "Well thank you Dana, for keeping up with her. I know Mads and Vanessa really appreciate it", I said, walking out the door. I looked at Charlie, who had tears stains on her face, and shook my head. I put her in the car seat, and drove back to set.
I was in my trailer on Instagram, when I got a text from Cami, telling me that Charlie was here. I got up, walked outside, and saw Camilla walking towards me with Charlie. I walked up to Camilla and grabbed Charlie out of her hands. I held Charlie in my arms, and smacked her hand gently, not hurting her. She started to cry, so I got the bag from Camilla, and walked back to my trailer. Once in my trailer, I put Charlie on the couch, and grabbed a bottle out of her bag. I gave her the bottle, and she stopped crying, but I could still hear little whimpers coming from her. I put Netflix on my phone, turned on 'Lilo & Stitch', and put my phone in front of her. Everything's as silent, and I just watched her watch the movie and drink her milk. I just kept thinking to myself, 'How can this pretty baby do that much violence', I questioned myself. I sat on the couch, picked Charlie up, sat her on my lap, and watched the movie with her.
Charlie and I were still watching the movie, and Charlie giggled a little, still sniffling from crying earlier, but she was so cute. The trailer door opened, and in walked Vanessa. "Hey babe", I said, as she closed the door. "Hey, has she done anything", she asked, referring to Charlie. "Actually, she's been good. She cried after I smacked her hand, but I calmed her down, and we've just been in her watch a movie", I said. "That's good, but have you figured out what's got her all violent", Vanessa asked, grabbing her bag of Takis if the counter. "I think I might've. So you know how she never does anything violent around us", I started. Vanessa nodded and I continued with my theory. "She's violent because we're not around her as much as she wants us too", I said. "Omg, you're a genius. We need to be around her more", Vanessa sighed. "I know, but how? We always work", I said. "I have no clue, but we'll think of some later", Vanessa said, walking up to us. "In the mean time... Hey Mamas", she said, picking Charlie up. Charlie giggled as Vanessa kissed all around her face. "Aren't you the cutest girl ever", Vanessa said, kissing Charlie's cheek. "Hey", I said, feeling offended. "Sorry, Aren't you the cutest baby ever", Vanessa clarified. "That's better", I laughed. Vanessa laughed, and we played with Charlie for the time being, until Roberto wanted me.
Madelaine should be done shooting her scenes at any moment now, so I decided to do a little prank on her. I'm gonna get her back for that 'dropping Charlie' prank, and the 'I like Camilla' prank. I decided to do a 'I lost our kid' prank on her. So, I filmed an intro, telling all the fans what I was gonna do, and how I think Mads gonna react. So, I gave Charlie to my makeup artist Ferryn, and started the prank.
So I just texted Madelaine that I need her here asap, and told her it's something really urgent. She texted back quickly, saying she'll be here in 5 minutes. So, I started to 'search' for Charlie. Two minutes later, I heard the trailer door open, and looked up to see a worried Madelaine. "What's so urgent babe? Where's Charlie", she asked. "So, don't get mad but I don't know", I said, scared for her reaction. "You don't know what", she asked sternly. "I don't know where Charlie is", I said, looking down. "Vanessa are you kidding me", she asked. "No, I mean she was in here one minute, then she disappeared the next", I said, looking behind the table. "Vanessa, how could you not notice her leaving? She's only seven months! She can't open a door handle, that's 4 inches taller than her", Madelaine said. "Well, she's gotta be in here somewhere, but I literally checked everywhere, and she's nowhere to be found", I said, walking to the other side of the trailer. "Vanessa, Where the fuck could she have gone? She can't even walk", Madelaine said, starting to panic. "I don't know, but she's not in here", I said. "How could you lose our freaking daughter? Are you stupid", Madelaine asked, tears forming in her eyes. "Babe, I'm sorry. Charlie just vanished from this trailer out of nowhere", I said, rubbing her back. She pushed my hand off her back, and sat on the couch, with her face in her hands. "Vanessa Morgan Mziray, I swear if this is a prank, you better tell me now, cause I'm on the verge of breaking up with you", Madelaine said, tears coming down her cheeks. Madelaine got up, and walked to the door. "It's not a prank, but can you help me look for her", I asked. "I can't believe you Vanessa. I'm gonna look for her out here, since you clearly said she's not in there", Madelaine said, walking out the door. I picked up the camera, and followed her outside. "Babe, look", I said. "What do you want now", she asked, turning around. She wiped her tears, and she mad a silly face. "Where's our baby", she asked. "She's with Ferryn, want me to get her", I asked. "Duhh, but the way, I'm so getting you back", Mads said, walking into the trailer. I turned off the camera and walked to the hair and makeup room. I walked in to see KJ playing with Charlie, putting fake blood over her forehead, and doing a lion king thing. "You're stupid", I laughed, grabbing Charlie off him. "She liked it though, look at her little smile", Kj said, as I walked out the building. I laughed at the fake blood on her face, and decided to get Mads reaction to it. I turned on the camera, and walked into the trailer. "She's here", I said, showing Charlie to Mads. "What the heck is on her forehead", she asked, wiping some of the fake blood off with a paper towel. "Guess what happened, and who did it", I said. "What happened and who did it", Madelaine asked, wetting the paper towel, so the blood will actually come off. "kJ put it on her forehead and did that lion king thing", I said, laughing at just thinking about it. "It would be KJ", Mads said, laughing. Once she got the fake blood off, she kissed Charlie's cheek, and I did the outro for the prank.

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