No One Important.

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(y/n)'s POV

It was well passed curfew for the village, but here we were. Just sitting on a random rooftop, watching the stars glimmer.

The same stars that the old Obito would look at...

I silently move the Uchiha's arm off of my shoulders and scoot away, watching as his arm falls to his side. His head is down, showing just his spikey hair. His body is gradually leaning, looking for something to rest on.

A smile sneaks it's way onto my face as I hear a faint snore. I stand up and move my mask just high enough on my face to reveal my mouth. Once in front of the Uchiha, I move his bangs out of the way of his forehead and lay a gentle kiss on his temple.

"I love you. I always will. But, you've changed. And this is a change that just hurts me to no end..." I whisper, pulling my mask back down.

"So, bye love."

Jumping from rooftop to rooftop is quite easy, it's just the 'not getting caught' part that's difficult. Luckily, I was good at silencing myself, but what the problem the late night rebels. Although, I can't say anything. I mean, I am jumping from rooftop to rooftop way passed curfew.

I shake those thoughts out of my head and focus on my main mission; getting information from the hokage building. Sure, it sounds difficult, but it's not like I haven't stole stuff before.

Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

Just a couple more rooftops, and then I'll be where I want to be. But, something stopped me in my tracks.

"Orange chakra?" I ask myself, slowly pushing my mask up to the top of my head.

I jump to where the chakra seemed to have been and hid behind a roof barrier. If my mind wasn't already in a panicked daze, it sure was now.

"Naruto?!" I screech, secretly praying that I didn't yell too loud.

I watch as Naruto hits an old man and chases the children. My mind is racing with questions, but right now wasn't a time to answer them. I jump down from my hiding spot and quickly dash over to pick up Naruto before he could touch the little boy.

"Deep breaths, Naruto." I growl, squeezing his wrist.

The children push passed me and hide behind the old man. The little boy is a crying mess and the little girl is glaring daggers at Naruto. The old man; he's doubled over.

I listen as Naruto's breathing becomes stable, slowly putting him down but still holding his wrist.

"I am truly sorry about what this boy did to you, sir." I apologize, bowing.

"Don't apologize to him! He started it!" Naruto whines, trying to pull his wrist away.

"-And I know that he's sorry for what damage he may have caused you." I say, ignoring Naruto's complaints.

The old man shakily gets up, motioning the kids to leave. Once the kids are out of sight, he walks towards us.

Suddenly, I feel my cheek stinging. Again. My eyes tear up slightly, but I manage to keep an emotionless face.

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