-thirty three-

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I cut the old stitches and carefully removed them and put them on a paper towel. Bruce was helping me out so he threw those away and cleaned the area. I sanitized the open wound and grabbed the needle.
I stitched Tony back up fairly quickly, and I made sure they weren't too loose or too tight. Even Bruce approved them, so if something happened again, it would be 100% Tony's fault.
We gave him some Modafinil to get him to hopefully wake up, but it would take some time. I cleaned the entire area and got everything out back. I put bandages around his newly stitched up wound, and we waited.
It was getting pretty late and one by one they started heading to bed. I told Bruce I would be fine here and thanked him for all his help. I wasn't going to leave him here all alone.
It was around three in the morning when he finally started to wake up. It started with just some movement, which was huge. Then his eyes fluttered and eventually, he woke up.
"Hey Tina, wait, where am I?"

"You're in the lab. Pepper called me over yesterday because you were passed out on the ground all bloody. What did you do?"

"I did everything you told me to do."

"Your stitches were loose and strained. You did something."

"Whattt?" He dragged out the t.

"What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Don't lie to me Anthony, you could've died if Pepper hadn't called me!"

"Pepper called you?"

"Yeah, even Bruce couldn't see what was wrong. We think you have a bacterial infection because your wound was reopened. You're going to need serious medicine once we figure out what it is."

"Great," he was back, sarcasm and all.

"You brought this in yourself. Now tell me what you did."

"I didn't do anything Athena. Maybe you didn't stitch me up as well as you thought you did."

"Excuse me?"

"I take that back," he quickly responded.

"Tell me what you did."

"I was messing around with a suit and I might've tripped over the foot and I might've fallen."


"And I might've tried getting up but fell again."


"And then I went into the living room looking for bandaids because I cut my hand and then that's all I remember."

"My god Tony. Well, get some rest and when it's light out Bruce and I are going to run crazy amounts of tests."

"Got it, thanks doc."

"Yeah yeah. I can't even trust you to walk upstairs by yourself. Come with me."

We walked to the elevator and I brought him upstairs to his floor and into his room. I made sure his stitches were still in good condition. I made sure he had extra bandages and some water and then I left him to get some rest.
I really thought I could leave him to not mess up. I got in my car and sighed before I left. I didn't want to have to worry about my older brother. He should have some sense of self preservation, right?

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