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"I got an email."

"You get hundreds of emails a day."

"This one is special," he smirked.

"And why is that Anthony?"

"You wouldn't happen to remember our little investigation would you?"

"I remember it well."

"I got a list of everything Raina stole from you, she's willing to give it back."

"This is what I meant by thick-headed."

"She wasnts $3,000,000 for it, I'll pay up. This is my fault."

"She has copies you dumbass."

"I will trace them for copies you dumbass. Come on, I'm a genius."

"I'm starting to wonder what you think genius means."

"Let's talk."
Tony and I went over every possibility, the good and the bad of going through with this deal. I was still against it, not fully persuaded. Even though there may not be copies made, she could've taken a picture on a separate camera. Am I wrong?
Tony really seemed confident in this. He said the Avengers were ready to help if needed, but I didn't want to drag them into this. This is my fault, and I'm not letting my friends fight my battles.
The only way to make sure she wouldn't release them is to kill her. I hate to say to say it but it's the truth. The truth is what needs to be said at a time like this. Lies won't be tolerated, I need to be able to trust everyone around me.
I say that, but I feel that I can trust no one. Ever since Africa, I've been wary. I may not have showed it, but I don't give too many personal details. I let the other party do most of the talking.
I have a bad feeling about all of this. All of it. I don't want Raina to die but if it comes down to it, so be it. I'll kill Raina with my own two hands if it stops those files from getting released.
I've never killed anyone before. That first mission, I knocked them out and someone else did the rest. Back then, I couldn't bring myself to doing that. Taking someone's life is one of the worst things a person can do in my eyes.
I'm not who I was a few months ago. In just that short amount of time, so many things happened I just kind of... hardened. Not totally, I still feel guilt and sadness, but only when it's really needed.
I don't dwell on mistakes, they've happened, move on. Of course, killing someone would not be any help to bringing me back to the girl I once knew and loved, but it could help others, which is exactly what she would have done.
I don't want you to think I am a sociopath. I'm not, I swear. I just think this world is too cruel to be too sensitive. If you don't have a shell, you'll be crushed. That's just how things work now.
I remember those simplier times. Making machines and going to school. Planning my trip to Africa instead of planning a death mission with my twin brother. Everything was easier. Easier to understand, easier to be sensitive.
"Anthony? I think I have a plan."

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