-forty six-

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The meeting with Nikita Romanova was in ten minutes. I was sitting in the conference room just waiting for her and Natasha's arrival. I hoped Tony didn't find out about this. He'd kill all three of us.
There was a light knock at the door and then it creaked open. Natasha came over and hugged me and introduced her sister. She had vibrant red hair and incredible green eyes. Almost a mirror image of Nat.
We all sat down around the table and I had my guards leave the room to give us some privacy. I took a deep breath and opened the folder infront of me. It was now or never.
"What is it exactly that you need from me?" Nikita asked, she had a thick Russian accent, unlike Natasha.

"I need you to teach me how to operate the rifle of course, but also how to choose a location, stay hidden, get away and any problems that could happen."

"I can do that."

"What would you like in return?" She wouldn't do this for free. Anyone in their right mind wouldn't.

"What's your offer?"

"I can do $10,000."


"Is that a problem?"

"No, that's perfect. It's a deal then."

"Great, we'll be in touch then," I started to stand up."

"Athena, tell me something."


"Why do you need this?"

"Someone did my brother and I wrong. They are going to pay, not us."


"What do you know?"

"She broke through Tony's state of the art firewall and stole files and a few million dollars."


"She's making you pay to get them back."

"They're mine and they are dangerous."

"No, I understand completely. Are you sure you don't just want me to do this for you? Killing someone isn't as easy as it sounds."

"You went through a whole hit list in Germany during these past six months. I'm sure it isn't too hard."

"Fair enough. We'll meet here again on Monday. See you then."

"Thank you."

Well, it was official. She was going to help me. This was great. $10,000 was nothing to me really, but it seemed like a lot to her. She didn't seem too upset with what I could offer her.
I have to cancel my plans with Tony on Monday. It might seem suspicious, but I'm sure he's not smart enough to look into it. He has no common sense, which is mind boggling.

"Tina, hey."

"I have to cancel our plans on Monday. I'm meeting with a client and it's important. I can't reschedule again."

"Sure, wanna come over tonight then?"

"I'll be there at 7."

"See you."
He handled that better than I planned. I wonder if he ever planned on introducing me to Nikita. I mean, she's there when I'm there, and she's living in his building! How have I never even seen her before?
I'll probably stay the night at Tony's. These people literally never sleep it seems like. We're still playing games and doing stuff at 3:00am. I walked out to the parking lot and drove myself home.
It was around 5:00 when I got back home. I had an hour and a half before I had to leave again. I really didn't want to go to Tony's tonight, but it would seem weird if I didn't want to go over. I can't come up with two excuses at once, I'm not that good.

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