Chapter 4

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        My body hurt, my head hurt, I was starving, and so so exhausted, but I still wasn't allowed to sleep. I had self-study in library A, never in my life did I think I'd hate a library as much as I did at that moment. It was similar to my hatred of hoplology, which was still at an all-time high for no freaking reason, it just popped up and my body found itself fueling the hatred.

       So, I dragged myself to the library, flopping into a chair after collecting some books from the rogue section as self-study was intended for one's class. Mine happened to be rogue so I was supposed to study that and I tried. I really did... But sleep seemed so comforting and I dozed off.

       I was unfortunately awakened by the librarian who did not seem amused. So, I tried once more, study, study, study, study, sleep, study, sleep, study, study, sleep, study, sleep, sleep, study, sleep... That sounds so nice, what was I supposed to do again? Started with an s... Sleep? Alright, if I insist. Cuddling into my arms once more I drifted off again, only disturbed when my bracelet started to vibrate, signaling I had completed my studying.

       Studying. That's what it was... Scratching the back of my neck I just sighed and collected my books to put them back, knowing I'd just sleep, put off my shower to tomorrow. I practically crawled back to my room before collapsing on my bed, I skipped dinner again, curiosity not nearly as strong as exhaustion.

         Grumbling as my wrist vibrated I rolled around until I couldn't sleep any longer, grunting I pulled myself into a sitting position I found my body hated me so much more today than it did yesterday. Opening my schedule my drowsiness was wiped away as I saw the time, I had five minutes before class!

         Scrambling to pull on my uniform I stumbled into my shoes and bolted straight to class as I tamed my hair on the way. All of the regret hit me at once as my aching body roared to life. When I got there, just in time, I found anger rearing its ugly head in my direction as he showed up later once more. Mumbling about how even more students had found their way to class this time.

        He didn't even hint to what he was teaching us as class went on and the pace got faster and faster. Way fasting than yesterday. I was hardly able to keep up with his words as my hand lacked the speed needed to keep up. He once more just finished what he was saying and writing before he disappeared and I was left getting the notes I was unable to keep up with.

        Wishing the time between classes was longer as I bit my lip and bounced my knee as if it'd make me write faster. Sliding the notebook into my bag I sprinted to my next class panting like a dog. Yay, hand to hand. Woohoo... I wonder what's the least painful way to die. It was as if they heard my thoughts and decided to give me the most painful. 

        They said something about us being weak and not having bodies strong enough and blah blah blah. So, we were running around the school. The five buildings in one, enormous, three libraried, school. Ten times. Ten freaking times

         I had already sprinted a great distance today but they wanted me to run more. Are they testing us? Because this blazen can't be the actual classes, they would do that right? They couldn't do that, right? Please for the love of the stars, tell me they can't do that. I'm going to die at this rate, from starvation or fatigue, who truly knows.

       I wasn't the only one struggling, though, I was the only one that started dry heaving from overexertion. The fact I didn't actually vomit meant I was not allowed to stop unless I completed the task or collapsed. Obviously, I collapsed. Heaving on the ground trying to breathe as my lungs couldn't seem to take in enough oxygen.

       I was never in my life fit, never thought I'd be in a role that'd require it, so now that I've been chucked ruthlessly into a lead school I'm finding they're sadists and are heavily enjoying my suffering, because that is the only possible option as to why they would be forcing this onto me. AND others.

        So, that was the class of blazen but I was shipped off to my favorite class after, yay magic... Can't you just feel my joy? Miss Hethersworth was apologizing for no reason and that triggered my own apologies as it was only reflex mashed with the way I was raised. Once more, the first ten minutes was from us being awkward and locking the door again.

       "W-well, considering how well you did yesterday, I was going to have you try making something," She stuttered red in the face as I nodded and asked for suggestions, she said she couldn't really give me any. So, I'm stuck using a disabled imagination. In the end, I decided something simple was best and closed my eyes, trying to think up a dagger.

      A burst of warmth surged through me as I tried adding some kind of design, I could feel my magic burning through every vein in my body. I just grew warmer and warmer until it felt as though magma was running through me instead of blood. It got painful as I shut out the idea and gasped, holding my chest as the pain just grew and grew. She was squealing about something and I faintly heard crashes, then it stopped.

       Sucking in deep breaths I still held my chest as I tried to figure out what I just did. Looking up my eyes widened as Miss Helensworth gave a weak wave that matched her smile. Daggers were everywhere, in everything. Shattered glass equally laying around as I just stared. In walls, in the ceiling, the door, the desks around me forced away and the teacher's desk she used to shield herself was splintering while the glass was equally damaged. 

       "I had thought you'd be fine considering this didn't happen yesterday, I shouldn't have assumed you'd already done this," She mumbled rubbing her arm as I gapped at her confused. She seemed to sense my question as she answered.

       "Well, those like us always have a burst of magic at least once, normally the first time we try to use it, I just thought you already had it because nothing had happened yesterday. I think that just jump started your magic, and this was just a point to release what you'd been building," She said sheepishly as she scratched her jaw with her index finger. "They aren't really teaching you about glass users, are they? Of course they wouldn't, you're the first they've had," She sighed grabbing one of the fallen chairs she sat down.

        "I suppose I'll have to then," Shifting in my chair I bit my lip, glancing around, worrying that I might do this again, when I'm around people. "Where to start?" She hummed running a hand through her hair, "Basics I suppose... Well, us glass users have more mana, every magic user is born with the same about of mana but the strong one magic is, the more mana it took to manifest and after it manifests the remaining mana is remembered by your body,"

        "Forever locking that as your max about of mana, because our magic is so easy to manifest it only takes a small amount of mana, leaving out bodies with the most of all the magic. Not only do we have more mana, but our magic also uses so little of it that it's so very rare that we'd run out of mana. However, other's might use more mana with their magic but they can change that. The more they use their magic the less mana it lacks, kids your age should have a limited ability to use magic because of how little they've already used it,"

        "Strangely enough, we're the only ones that get bursts like that, though only when our magic is still getting used to our bodies, and we are also the only ones that can use magic in our sleep. Mainly because of our level of mana is so high that we do need to release it more often. It's not harmful to others when their mana is at max as it'll stay that way, with us, our bodies aren't supposed to have that much mana, making it where it tries to escape when it gets to full. We only seem to release magic when we sleep if our mana has built up too far,"

        "Which is weird as you'd think we'd just get bursts, though, we are well known for our excess mana and control over our magic we're still very weak. Our magic shatters easily and we're unable to create magic force fields or barriers, leaving us defenseless to oncoming attacks, and our magic just isn't fit for battle-" She winced upon seeing my face as I was going to be shipped off to war in a few years time.

       "Until you," She squeaked trying to fix it, "We higher ups are trying to figure out why you're standing is as... Different as it is, for all we know you're magic could be off and you might be able to conquer a force field, and even if you can't that doesn't change the fact the stars gave you the standing that they did," She smiled but it did not help me feel better, "Why don't I help you understand your magic a little more? You're not going to be able to use your magic for a few hours anyway, always a side effect of the one's first burst,"

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