Chapter 34 - New Projects

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Holly looked at Chris, his words were like a knife in her heart. He just stared at her with an austere look, waiting for an explanation. "That's not what I said to them", Holly said, looking at Chris. His straight face and serious eyes made Holly's stomach flip. "I was telling them..". "wait, who's them? I thought it was Kayla", Chris interrupted. "It was Kay and Ari", Holly said and then decided to continue with her explanation. "I was saying that I had imagined a slightly different life, and all this is still something that amazes me everyday. But I never said that I wanted anything different". She looked at Chris, hoping he would let it go. "So this is not the life you imagined or wanted.", he asked again, making Holly feel worse. "No, I mean I did't know what I want, but before I met you, I expected my life to lead in another direction, but since I met you, I can't even think of anything different. I want to be with you, have I ever made you feel like I don't?", Holly asked, explaining in detail again. "Well, right about now you are", he answered, raising his eyebrows. "Chris, you can't be mad at me because I didn't see myself with a crazy hot movie star, that's not something anyone outside of Hollywood is prepared for", she answered, and got out of the car, as they reached the house. Chris thanked the driver and jogged over to open the door, where Holly was already standing. "So, you're saying you wanted a different life but your stuck with this one, with me", Chris said, following Holly as she went up the stairs and into the room. "Oh God, no! I'm saying, this is exactly what I want now, to be with you. I didn't expect it, but it's the best thing that's happened to me.", Holly said, sitting on the edge of the bed, taking her shoes off and dropped the on the floor. Chris came and quietly sat next to her. She cupped Chris' face and softly said, "I was talking to them about us, about what we both want from life and it may not always be the same, but I know one thing for sure, that I want you, I'll always want you in it". "I know I'm not be perfect and this may not be a perfect relationship, but I just want to make sure you're still in it, because we're heading in a direction I can't come back from again", he said, staring into her eyes, making her stomach flip again. "I know but this is new for me and I need a little time to get used to all this, I want to be with you, just a little bit slower so I can figure things out. I do think about our future, and I want that, but not just yet. I don't know if any of this makes sense, but it's what I feel", Holly said, wiping a tear from her eye. Chris immediately hugged her and said, "Babe, let's shelve the whole future talk for now ok? We'll discuss is another time. I just want to be with you and go to bed and enjoy the next few days of holiday together before I go back to work". Holly nodded.

"Hey hon", Chris shouted into the house as he shut the door. "Kitchen!", Holly shouted back. She say Chris walk into the kitchen, "How was your day?", she said, opening the blender and smelling the contents. "It was good, mmm, smells nice, what are you making?", he asked, sitting on the stool. "I'm making tarragon chicken", she said, moving around, bringing over a casserole. "Yum, oh Will's got an audition for me next week, it's quite cool. Have you seen 'National Lampoon's Vacation'? with the family in the car?", he asked, smiling. "No..?", she said, pulling out the chicken breasts from the oven. "What? It's an amazing movie, we'll watch it tonight, I have to see it and a bunch of other comedy films this week, before the audition", he said. "They're making a sequel?", she asked, placing the pouring the sauce over the chicken. "Sort of, it was made in the '83 so they are doing a sequel remake. It's a comedy so it'll be fun, no waving hammers and axes for this one, but I wanted to talk to you about the sex scenes", he said, his voice becoming a little more unsure. "Ohkayy", she said, looking a him. "Well, I don't think they will want me to be having sex with anyone but I can't rule it out", he said, trying to read her face. "So you might have to sleep with some actress?", Holly said, putting the casserole back in the oven. "Uh, there is a very very small chance of that", he said, as Holly leaned on the island and thought about it. "I don't know how to react to this, I'm probably meant to say yeah, it's ok, whatever, but I'm not too sure about it", she said, sitting on a stool next to Chris. "Ok, I can see if I can avoid those scenes if they come up.", he said. "We can watch the movie and maybe I can think about it?", Holly said, trying to be supportive. "Ok, yeah, we'll watch the movie. Let me change out of this and I'll be back here in a few minutes", he said and walked away.

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