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The Factory Trill sounded a few minutes after dinner. Granddad and I changed into fresh coveralls and said goodbye to Marta and Annie. With our plot being the closest to the factory, we were always at the head of the line when we emerged from the tent. The rest of the village's able-bodied people began milling onto the road behind us. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the dark, hoping to see a sign of my best friend.

"Where's Binjin?" I mumbled.

"Quiet," scolded Granddad. "Don't give the stilt striders a reason to take you."

"Relax," I replied. "We don't have to be silent until their lights come on."

I jumped nearly a foot as I felt something jab against my lower back.

"BOO!" yelled Binjin, doing his best to stifle a laugh.

"Bin! You're getting good, I didn't notice you at all."

Binjin slapped my back, "Sneakier than a drone, huh?"

"You're going to get someone killed one day, kid," said granddad with disdain.

Binjin laughed. "Hey, I'm just messing around. I—"

A row of stilt striders were perched along the road in the distance. They blasted their flood lamps in unison, lighting up the road to the factory with turquoise light.

"The lights are on. Quiet now," hushed granddad. "Get moving."

The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now