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My rage threatened to boil over as I rushed through the village, searching for Binjin. IPs expired quickly after a raking and the zone wouldn't be lawless for much longer. I wanted ample time for my revenge.

I barged into Binjin's tent and ran straight into his father.

"What the hell are you—"

I threw a bloodied fist into the fat man's face and he hit the floor, unconscious. His lifepartner retreated into her partition and zipped up the flap. I ripped through Binjin's canvas wall and glared into his terrified eyes.

"Stay away, Danth. I had to do it!" Binjin lifted a jagged piece of metal in front of him—a crude shiv fashioned from a sharpened garden hoe.

"You were my friend...my best friend!" I yelled. "You betrayed me!"

Binjin sobbed, the makeshift dagger wobbling in his grip. "My family is starving. We...we weren't going to make it much longer."

"Bullshit. You've been making quota, or else it would have been you up there getting the rake!"

"Yes, we're making quota! But my dad trades our ration cards for beets during every IP. All of them."

"Beets? Are you kidding me?" My confusion nearly overtook my anger.

"He boils the beets and locks them up in a little pot under the tent. After a few weeks, he strains this clear juice from the pulp. It tastes horrible and burns your throat, but he can't get enough of it."

Alcohol. Granddad had told me about it once. It was one of the top items he scavenged for the Privus.

"Dad hides in his partition and drinks the juice all night long. It makes him crazy...he shakes if he can't get enough and hits me and mom. He shouts and stumbles around, barely getting his work done. Our quotas are about to slip because we're all starving."

"I don't care!" I shouted.

"Informants don't have to make quota for an entire year. Reporting your grandfather was the only way we could possibly survive. I didn't know they'd kill him!"

"Liar! You've always been a slimy little coward!"

"You're a traitor!" said Binjin, rising to his feet. "You told me you were planning to escape the zone! Did you really think I'd let you leave me behind?" My former best friend lunged at me with his improvised knife. I dodged the blade but his knee connected with my middle and I crumpled. I crawled for the exit, barely making it outside as the hoe jabbed into the dirt behind me. Looking up, I saw Marta running toward us.

"Stay back!" I yelled.

Binjin kicked my ribs and pointed the blade at my sister. "Listen to your brother, Marta. I'm going to slice up the bastard so he doesn't forget his place!"

Marta slid to a stop, staring. "Danth!"

Binjin dropped a knee to my stomach and I lost my breath. I recovered in time to catch his arm as he brought the shiv to my chest. I could feel the jagged tip tearing through my coveralls. A crowd was starting to form, surrounding us in a wide circle.

Binjin's father stumbled out of the tent, rubbing his head. He stomped toward me with clenched fists. "Slice up that little shit, Bin. Leave some for me to—"

The stocky man suddenly toppled to the mud. I twisted my head and saw Sams standing solidly with an outstretched fist. He grabbed Binjin by the collar and tossed him roughly on top of his groaning father.

"You alright?" asked Sams, extending a hand to me.

I grabbed Sams' hand and he lifted me from the mire. "Yeah, thanks," I said, rubbing my chest.

Binjin coughed and recovered surprisingly fast. He bolted to retrieve the shiv but was stopped short by Marta's boot crashing against his skull.

"You rat bastard!" cried Marta, kicking Binjin as he curled in the fetal position. Marta collected the stray weapon and hoisted it above her head. "You'll pay."

I grabbed Marta's arms from behind. "It's not worth it!" She struggled for a moment before the urge to kill drained out of her. The shiv fell out of her hands and stabbed into the ground. I let go of her and limped away.

Sams walked over to Bin and his father. "Stay the hell away from our family. If either of you touch a hair on these people's heads, I slit your throats and hang you from the trees with your own tongues!"

I realized Marta was no longer beside me. She emerged from the tent, holding the ill-gotten ration cards Binjin had earned for informing on my grandfather. She threw them into the crowd and they cheered appreciatively.

"No," wailed Binjin, barely able to lift his head. He coughed a line of blood across the ground. "You just killed us."

"Good," said Marta, her voice cold.

Binjin's mother peeked out from the tent, looking terrified. I stared at the woman. "You, if you want to save your family, turn in that bastard lifemate of yours. It's the only way."

Binjin stumbled back to his tent, leaving his father behind. His mother helped him inside and they zipped up their flap without another word.

I groaned and turned toward Sams. "Where's Annie?"

Sams patted me on the shoulder and pointed into the distance. "Over there."

I breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Annie playing with Alice's daughters. "Thank you, Sams. You saved my life."

"Please, I don't deserve your thanks. Considering how I acted during the last IP, I'm no better than those two." Sams hung his head in shame.

"It's all in the past," I said. "I've seen how you are with Marta and Annie. I'm glad you're in their lives."

Sams posture softened. "I'm...so sorry about your grandfather."

I was suddenly unable to speak.

"I swear, I'll always protect Marta and Annie," said Sams. "You don't have to worry."

I nodded, managing a weak smile. I couldn't believe Granddad was gone. Marta walked over, holding Annie in her arms.

Annie pushed away from Marta and ran to me. "Dant!" Her little arms squeezed me with all their might and I hugged back just as hard. As expected, my niece became quickly distracted and ran off again. Sams chased after her. I walked up to Marta and held her hands.

"What is happening?" asked Marta.

"Marta, Granddad showed me a way to stop the Privus for good. I'm leaving tonight, and I may not come back. This isn't something I can walk away from...especially not now."

Marta didn't cry. She locked eyes on me, her gaze bright and unblinking. "Do what you must. If Granddad trusted you with whatever this is...I trust you too."

I realized it wasn't up to Sams to protect my family. The responsibility fell to me alone.

The Trill sounded. IP was over.

The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now