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"You're finally awake!"

I was on my back, staring at the moon. My head was pounding but the grass had cushioned my fall enough to spare me any broken bones. A panic hit as I leaned up and checked my watch. I had been knocked-out for a while—there was no chance of making it back to the village before the stilt striders arrived. "No."

"Are you okay?"

I did a double take. Daun was above me, atop the biggest donkey I had ever seen. It was muscular and more angular than the ones the elders used to transport goods from the village. "You have a donkey?" I asked with surprise.

"It's not a donkey, it's a horse!"


"My family raises them." Daun reached a hand out to me. "Come on! If you live as far away as I'm guessing, there's no way you'll make it back to your zone on foot."

Without arguing, I took Daun's hand and managed to awkwardly slide behind her atop the strange animal. Before I knew it, we were racing through the grass. I wrapped my arms around Daun's middle instinctively and immediately felt myself blushing.

"Hold on tighter!" Daun yelled. "We don't have time for you to fall...again."

I held fast to Daun's small waist as the wind lashed through my hair. I had never experienced such a sense of speed. "You didn't have to do this," I shouted. I couldn't help but smile as the horse flew across the green field.

"You owe me one," said Daun. She pulled back on a pair of leather straps and the horse slowed to a stop just outside the village. "All this time...other Thrall were so close," she marveled, staring into my village.

I hopped off the horse and gave it a gentle pet on its neck, admiring its solid, chestnut coat. "That was incredible. Thank you...both of you."

"Her name's Tenslin," said Daun with a smile. "I better go, the stilstries will be back in minutes." She turned Tenslin away and waved goodbye. "I'll see you tomorrow, Danth."

I waved back in utter astonishment, lost for words again.

The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now