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Before I knew it, I was receiving an impromptu riding lesson from Daun. I could tell she was amused by my nervousness as she peered up at me from the ground.

"Try to relax," said Daun. "If you're nervous, Tenslin will be too."

"I wouldn't blame her," I said. "This seat is weird."

"It's called a saddle and those straps you're holding are the reigns."

"Reigns. Right."

Daun stroked Tenslin's shoulder. "It's okay girl." She returned her attention to me. "Okay, to get her moving just make this noise." She made a click sound out of the corner of her mouth.

I made the noise but Tenslin didn't budge.

"Try giving the reins a gentle flip, like this." She pantomimed the motion.

Tenslin started to trot, causing me to lurch.

"Easy! Just pull the reins gently to the side to get her going in a circle. It might feel a little weird, because we're on a bit of a slope."

"Yeah, it's the slope's fault," I said, feeling Tenslin start to trot.

Daun couldn't stop giggling. "Remember, you need to move with Tenslin, not just sit there, or you're going to get saddle sores."

That didn't sound fun. I loosened my hips and things started to feel better. I clicked my mouth and Tenslin responded, moving faster.

"Wow, you're doing great! I wouldn't recommend putting her into a canter just yet."

I laughed, pretending I knew what she meant. "I guess it's not so har—" Tenslin gave a small buck—enough to launch me off the saddle to the ground.

"Whoa, girl!" said Daun, grabbing the reins. She lowered and helped lift me to my feet. "Are you alright?"

I brushed myself off and rubbed my head. "Yeah. Everything but my ego."

Daun tried to stifle a laugh but failed.

I groaned. "I thought I was doing pretty well."

"I've seen five-year-olds look more natural on a horse," she replied, before putting her hand on my arm. "I'm just giving you a hard time. Get back in the stirrups and try again."

Thankfully, my second attempt at mounting a saddle was more successful. Tenslin whinnied but seemed unperturbed.

"I can tell you're going to be great friends," said Daun.

Before I realized what was happening, I felt Daun's hands wrapping around my middle from behind. She had slipped onto Tenslin's back with remarkable speed and grace. "Keep the reigns on the way back to your village."

"Me? I can't ride as fast as you," I argued.

"Sure you can," said Daun, holding me tighter. I felt my muscles tense then relax. "Move Tenslin down the slope then turn sharply back onto the plain. We'll be a little too close to the village for comfort, but not for long."

The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now