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The lords of the Southern Keep said nothing in response. They were either seething with rage or consumed with fear. I was willing to bet it was the latter. We all stared at the airship as it pitched wide and returned into the distance, leaving at twice the rate it had arrived.

I limped to Daun and hugged her tight, both of us sinking to the floor. I kissed her and laughed. "Where did that come from?"

"I...I don't know," stammered Daun. "I can't even remember half the things I said, but it felt good."

I kissed her again. "You were amazing."

Sheln walked closer. "Impressively terrifying, Daughter. I think their captain may have soaked his britches. I couldn't be prouder."

Dozens of freed attendants rushed into the room. "Are they really leaving?" one of them asked, staring at Sheln.

"Yes, for now," replied Sheln.

A round of cheers broke out. The liberated Thrall surrounded us, patting us on the backs and offering their heartfelt thanks. We returned the appreciation, sharing our mutual relief until the crowd split into smaller groups to discuss the incredible events they had just witnessed.

I sat beside Daun on the cushioned platform and held her hand. I finally felt like I could breathe again.

Daun kissed my cheek then looked up at Sheln. "Are we safe inside the city?"

"We've bought ourselves some time, at the very least. Staying here could be risky, but if we fortify the weaponry on the wall, we should be able to reenter the constant standoff that kept this place safe for years."

"No," I demanded. "Those munitions factories can never belch smoke again."

Sheln nodded. "Fear not, there's already enough bombs in this city to last forever. We'll demolish those horrible plants—there's no reason for them to exist."

"Good," I said, relaxing again.

Daun sighed. "Are there any other options besides holing up in this graveyard?" Even though the Privus were unabashedly evil, I knew Daun still felt conflicted about their horrific demise.

"Well, I had planned to gather the Thrall from every zone and flee to the mountains in the east," I said. "The people who live there have kept the Privus at bay for years. Not much else is known about them."

"The stories are real?" marveled Daun.

"Yes, I confirmed their existence while I was imprisoned within the tower. Every stilt strider raid on their icy stronghold failed miserably. I told Kooper to find our family and take them to the mountains—although risky, it seemed like the best hope we had." I swallowed hard. "But we may have other options now. I need to find them before they attempt to traverse the pass!"

"Don't worry," said Sheln. "The airship I sent out to look for the survivors of Zone 29 should be back within the hour. We'll leave here in search of your brother as soon as it returns. I wish we had more working ships, but I swear we'll find your people quickly."

"The Privus called it a scout ship. It's even faster than Lansred," said Daun, putting her arm around me.

"Alright." I untensed a bit, choosing to trust my compatriots. "Are Lansred and Rastin okay?"

"Yes," said Daun. "We managed to hide them in Sheln's tiny zone along with several other horses before the Privus wiped out the ranches. We'll retrieve them soon."

I was relieved to hear at least some of the animals had been spared. "I'm glad."

"Before anything else, we need to attend to your leg,'" said Sheln. She looked over her shoulder. "Aryn, can you retrieve the aid kit from the wall of the antechamber? Please bring it quickly."

Aryn nodded and hurried from the throne room.

"What do you think we should do next?" Daun asked me. "Should the Thrall remain in the valleys or flee to the mountains?"

"Every Thrall will have the freedom to decide their fates." I looked at Sheln. "My grandfather's book—do you still have it?"

"Yes, it's safe," said Sheln.

"I'm going to make a thousand copies and distribute them to the people," I said. "Teach them the concept of freedom."

"Yes, and we'll abolish the zones while we're at it," said Daun, leaning closer to me. "No more Privus or Thrall...just human beings."

"The people will be free," said Sheln, sitting on a nearby table. "Just don't be surprised if they choose both of you to lead them."

The men and women in the throne room overheard Sheln and turned to face us again. They began to cheer with excitement.

Daun and I looked at each other, knowing exactly what each other was feeling. Whatever fate had in store for us, we'd face it together.




The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now