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"Stilt striders!" cried Daun in a panic.

"Stay still, don't try to run," said Sheln with authority. She walked to the door and leaned her back against it as the thumping footsteps outside the cabin drew closer.

I moved in front of Daun, my heart racing. "What's going on?"

"In exchange for foiling your terrorist plot, the Privus will give me anything I want—and I want to be free."

"You bitch!" yelled Daun, her face going red. "I knew you couldn't be my mother!"

Sheln shrugged and drew a gleaming sword from a scabbard near the door. She stared at us and twirled it menacingly.

I grabbed Daun around the waist and held her tight as she tried to lunge at Sheln. "Don't!"

Sheln waggled my grandfather's book in the air. "Possession of this book is a serious crime, but your attempts to develop and distribute a super-weapon is an unprecedented act of insurgency...especially for a lowly Thrall. I'll be regaled as a hero for stopping your plot."

"You're insane," I growled, "everyone in The Walled City thinks you're dead!"

Sheln shook her head, looking disappointed. "Dear boy, the Privus have transcended death. My return will surprise no one." She stepped aside and opened her door. The blazing blue eye of a stilt strider filled the room with eerie light.

I picked up a chunk of firewood and threw it through the closest window, shattering the glass. "Let's go!" I cried, pulling Daun with me.

Daun grabbed the edge of the pane and began to crawl through. She screamed as a gleaming black tentacle wriggled through the window and wrapped around her body several times.

"No!" I shouted, fumbling to grasp Daun's legs to no avail. The tentacle zipped her away, slamming me against the log wall in the process. I fell to the floor with a grunt.

"You're only making this harder," said Sheln. "I couldn't pass up an opportunity to win back the High Lord's favor. I'm truly sorry, but my well-being comes first."

I skittered over to the fireplace and snatched an iron poker from a stand. Mustering my last bit of strength, I sprinted toward Sheln to strike her down.

Sheln easily parried by blow with her sword and bashed me in the skull with the hilt. "You're no good to me dead!" she scolded as I crumpled to the floor.

I felt cold metal wrapping around my body, squeezing me until I felt I may burst. The tentacle dragged me from the cabin as I stared into Sheln's icy eyes. A moment later I lost consciousness.

The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now