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The IP trill blared first thing the next morning. Considering Granddad's condition, it was a welcome surprise. The Interaction Periods were as unpredictable as factory work, lasting anywhere from an hour to an entire day. The populace was allowed complete freedom within the zone during the IP, which allowed families to meet up and trade ration cards to obtain goods they couldn't get from their own plots. Cards for milk were exchanged for wheat; eggs for firewood; vegetables for rice and so on.

The Recreation Tent was erected in the center of the village during every IP, which was separated into three large partitions. The first partition contained an IP-drone, which told prerecorded stories (mostly from The Ten Tomes) while projecting moving images. Another partition allowed for dancing and held a variety of musical instruments people could play, which was normally forbidden. The last partition was reserved purely for socializing—a place where family members and friends could reunite. Family Reassignments and Plot Redistributions also occurred during IPs, which added an air of apprehension to the fun.

"Thank goodness," said Marta as we all filed into the communal area of our tent. Even granddad seemed relieved. Annie was excited. Even at her age she recognized the IP Trill and knew it meant playtime with her friends.

"It's been at least a month since the last IP," I said. I was anxious for a break, but thoughts of my grandfather's failing health weren't far from my mind.

Granddad snapped his fingers to get my attention. "Get your head out of the clouds, boy. You need to help Marta trade our ration cards before you do anything else. We haven't had eggs in weeks and we're running out of soap."

I groaned. "Right, I know." I turned around, hearing scratching on the outer flap. I unzipped the tent and saw Binjin's freckled face flashing a grin.

"Danth, come on! We need to hurry before those other jerks grab all the instruments. Sen and I want to form a band to impress the girls and we need your help. You're the best guitar player in the zone."

I stepped outside. "I have to trade ration cards first. There's not much demand for rye, so we always have to do a lot of swapping to get what we want."

"Boring," groaned Binjin. "I'm going to see if Thomas can fill in until you show up." He turned around and started running toward the Recreation Tent.

"Come on Marta!" I shouted in frustration. "Let's get this over with."

I watched Marta lean down and pat Granddad on the shoulders. "You rest up today. You need it."

My grandfather nodded, lacking the strength to argue. "Head to the socializing area first. Alice Dans has three young girls...I'm sure they'd love to play with Annie while you trade."

"Okay, Pop," said Marta. She kissed Granddad on the head before leaning up and glaring at me. She shoulder-checked me on the way out of the tent with Annie in her arms.

"Hey!" I complained, rubbing my arm.

Annie stuck her tongue out at me.

"Boy," said Granddad, getting my attention again.

I looked over my shoulder. "What is it?"

"Tonight, we begin what we...talked about earlier," whispered Granddad. "There's no need to worry Marta."

I nodded then left, far more eager to learn how to read than get my hands on the Recreational Tent's battered old guitar. I held out hope that something in granddad's history lessons could help us.

The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now