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Suddenly prone to fits of trembling, I could barely get through my cultivation duties. My insides were in knots. As soon as the meal trill sounded, I rushed to confirm my quota then went into our tent, anxiously waiting for the airdrones to vacate.

"Quit looking out the window," said Granddad. "They're not gone yet...you'll make them suspicious."

I turned toward Granddad and took a deep breath. "There's something I need—"

"I know what it is, boy," said Granddad, keeping the conversation vague. "I know what you've been up to."

I heard a roar as the airdrones lifted out of the village. We held our tongues until we were sure they were gone. "There's another gap in surveillance, starting right now," I said. "It's longer than the one right before dawn."

"I know," said Granddad.

"Wait, you knew?"

"Yes. It's still too short of a time to do anything substantial. I was worried you'd try to attempt something stupid if I told you—but I'm guessing you already have."

"Yes," I admitted, straightening my posture.

Granddad sighed. "You've been leaving after I retire to my partition to rest, I'm assuming."

"Right. But I did have enough time to accomplish something. Zone 29 is close...closer than anyone would guess! Just a few miles away beyond the cliffs."

"Unbelievable!" said Granddad, his eyes shining. "All these years...I was too cynical to think anything could lie behind those hills. You must have ran the entire way!"

I nodded.

"What have you seen?"

I told him about the ranches, about the horses, about the beauty of the hidden valley. "And...I met someone. A young woman named Daun. I surprised her while she was picking berries. She also knew about the gap."

"You young idiot," said Granddad. "What you've just described could have gotten you killed a hundred times over!"

"Granddad, we're all in danger. I can't just sit around and do nothing." I stood up. "I'm going back. Daun needs to know what the Privus are planning to do to her zone."

"Have you talked to anyone else in Zone 29?"

"Not yet, but Daun must know someone with answers. Maybe even someone who can help get you, Marta and Annie away from the zones for good. I'm sorry, but—"

"Go," interrupted granddad. I was expecting anger, but he just seemed tired. "Just promise me you'll be as careful as you can."

"I promise," I said, before leaving the tent.

The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now