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Although the drones were gone, I'd still have to move quickly and quietly. I couldn't afford to be noticed leaving the village. Even friends and neighbors were potential informers—a reward of a few extra rations means a lot when you're perpetually on the verge of starvation.

I couldn't stop myself from checking in on Marta. After locating her plot in row H, I snuck up to the tent and peered inside. I was relieved to see her and Annie smiling as they ate a meal of bread and cheese. Sams was sitting across from them.

Tempering my rage, I watched quietly as Sams told a series of silly jokes to Annie. I soon realized the man had become a completely different person. The panic in his eyes was gone. He seemed patient and unperturbed. His face was plumper and color had returned to his cheeks, replacing a ghoulish pallor.

Even though everyone in the tent looked tired, it became obvious they had found a measure of happiness together. I was confused and relieved at the same time.

Fighting the urge to intrude, I left their plot and made my way to the edge of the zone. Wary of the stilt strider's black tower, I chose not to travel west. I had occasionally seen smoke rising from the eastern hills, so I decided to head there in search of civilization.

The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now