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There was no need for a trill to signal the beginning of the workday. At first light, you were expected to eat a quick breakfast then immediately tend to the crops in your assigned plot. With harvest season upon us, the family spread out into separate rows, using small scythes to thresh the rye. Because Marta had a Care Card, she was allowed to stop work every hour and check on Annie in the house, who was exempt from field work until she turned six.

We could talk, as long as it didn't slow our pace. I waved to Marta when she returned to her row. "How's Annie?"

"A little upset and bored. She's making a mess in there, but I'll clean it up when we're done. Don't you dare say I'm lucky!"

"I won't," I promised. My secrets were weighing heavily on me. I desperately wanted to tell someone else about what Granddad had shown me, but I knew it was dangerous—especially with the airdrones hovering nearby. "Marta, are you more scared of the airdrones or the stilstries?"

"Stilstries, duh," replied Marta as she swung her scythe. "Just looking at those things makes me feel sick. I wonder why they aren't here all the time...not that I'm complaining."

"Maybe it's more difficult to watch us at night. They must feel the need to intimidate us."

"Well, it works," said Marta. "Now, shut up...this is dangerous talk and you know it."

"I'm just—" A heavy thud to my left interrupted my train of thought. Granddad had collapsed in the field. I rushed to his side. "Pop! Are you alright?"

"I'm...I'm fine. My legs just gave out on me for a second." He grabbed on my shoulder and lifted himself up, gritting his teeth. "Go back to your row."

An airdrone hovered to the edge of the field. A blue light deep in the black glass orb began to pulse.

I reluctantly left granddad, feeling my heart pound. Although I could tell he was struggling, he resumed working. Finally, the airdrone left.

The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt