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I trudged to the social partition of the big top to check on Annie. As soon as I stepped inside, the T-drone at the top of the tent boomed a low tone, signaling everyone to stop moving and remain quiet. The diminutive sphere beamed a blood red light down on a young woman, causing her eyes to go wide. A few seconds later, a young man walked inside the partition, looking similarly shocked as a second T-drone hovered over his head, bathing him in crimson light. The spotlights converged, directing the man and woman to stand side by side as new Life Partners. One of the drones left, while the other dipped in front of the shocked pair to display the location of their newly assigned home—plot H3. The couple—if you could call them that—smiled politely and we all clapped for them. The drone then retook its position at the top of the room and spit out a cheery ring, letting everyone know they were free to go about their business. I jetted some air from my nose and shook my head, happy it hadn't been me under the flood light.

I resumed my search for Annie. My heart fluttered faster when I couldn't find her. Finally, I saw Alice standing in the corner, holding her three children close.

I cold chill ran through my limbs as I sprinted to Alice. "Where's Annie? You said you'd watch her!"

"I...I'm sorry," said Alice, starting to cry. Her children were quiet, but most children of the zone were, even when playing.

"Alice, just tell me," I said, putting my hands on her shoulders.

"He held a blade on me. He said...he said he was taking Annie."

"Who?" I demanded.

"His name is Sams. He's tall, with brown hair and brown eyes. I told him no, but he threatened to take one of my girls if I didn't do what he wanted."

"What? Where is he? WHERE!"

"Please! He...he said he'd be waiting for you in the corner of the music partition, near the stage. You have to go alone or he'll—"

"What does he want?" I interrupted. My hands were shaking.

"Your ration cards. The guy's completely desperate. I could see it in his eyes."

I looked around in a panic. "Is Annie hurt?"

"No, Sams was giving her bits of dried fruit. She was happier than a pig in mud."

"Bastard," I muttered, turning away. The carving knife I kept inside my boot was feeling heavier.

I heard Alice yell "I'm sorry!" as I ran for the exit.

The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now